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Defect Index

00/09/13 DEFECT IN PROGRAM mergedb
SYMPTOM: The MERGEDB program failed to accept any observations for a particular RINEX observation file. The following lines were reported in the mergedb.sum file: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . START READING DATA @ 09/13/00 14:18:05.86 WARNING: ERROR PARSING EPOCH/EVENT LINE FROM c:\data\jeff\otte0611.00o. WARNING: LINE= 4 P1 L1 P2 L2 # / TYPES OF OB. WARNING: SKIPPING EPOCH. FINISH READING DATA @ 09/13/00 14:18:11.62 WRITE THE *hd.dat FILE @ 09/13/00 14:18:11.62 WRITE THE PLOT LIMIT FILES @ 09/13/00 14:18:11.63 WRITE THE ECLIPSING SATELLITE SUMMARY @ 09/13/00 14:18:11.67 STATION OBSERVATION SUMMARY Name # Obs Ion Rate # Ion Pts otte 5571 ... 0 drv1 5803 4.535 5787 NORMAL TERMINATION AT 09/13/00 14:18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
00/09/12 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: Fortnightly, sinusoidal signal in EOP and orbit comparisons to IGS
00/08/07 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: Failed to read a RINEX met file
00/07/17 DEFECT IN PROGRAM log2site
SYMPTOM: Failed to output the most recently dated records.
00/06/01 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: Failure with integer overflow after data processing was complete.
00/05/26 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey
SYMPTOM: Fails with "not integer" error message when -x and -y options are used.
00/04/11 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: We're still having trouble with the station occupation sequence used to write the parameter ID's to the pages.nrm file.
00/04/06 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: In some instances, the wrong (next) station occupation sequence number would be written as part of the parameter ID's to the pages.nrm file.
SYMPTOM: Unable to search user specified antenna info file, failing catastrophically.
00/03/15 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey
SYMPTOM: Inappropriate and misleading error messages appear when using the -B and -E options.
00/03/10 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey
SYMPTOM: Incorrect EOP file name appears in pages.skl file.
00/03/09 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: Antenna ID from header unexpectedly set to NULL.
00/02/09 DEFECT IN PROGRAM list
SYMPTOM: No values were found in the pages files searched.
00/01/31 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: Catastrophic failure with an integer overflow during testing of the ultra-rapid orbits.
00/01/24 DEFECT IN SCRIPT setup_editdb.inp
SYMPTOM: Error from run_survey script when trying to edit baselines involving stations with purely numeric ID's.
00/01/12 DEFECT IN PROGRAM reformat_llsolv
SYMPTOM: reformat_llsolv catastrophically failed reading llsolv output.
00/01/11 DEFECT IN PROGRAM reformat_llsolv
SYMPTOM: Failed to generate EOP files when reading a gpscom output file.
00/01/11 DEFECT IN LIBRARY libgpsF
SYMPTOM: Antenna with radome did not successfully match to an antenna in the ant_info file.
00/01/05 DEFECT IN PROGRAM xplot
SYMPTOM: Failed to generate a plot which spanned midnight Dec 31, 1999.
00/01/05 DEFECT IN PROGRAM arcic
SYMPTOM: Failed to read some broadcast files as source for satellite a priori values.
00/01/04 DEFECT IN LIBRARY libgpsF
SYMPTOM: Binary ephemerides from the orbit integrator, arc, had large differences when compared to standard products such as the IGS ephemeris. Subsequent examination showed that this only occurred if the ephemeris' initial conditions were after 00/01/01 10:59:08 UTC.
00/01/03 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey
SYMPTOM: Program states that "00" is not an integer.
99/11/11 DEFECT IN SCRIPT setup_pages.skl
SYMPTOM: All run_survey type scripts referencing /ngslib were failing with s status of "1".
99/11/03 DEFECT IN PROGRAM gpscom
SYMPTOM: Snxdif comparisons between Pages and Gpscom Sinex files showed differences at the level of .1 cm which while fairly small are at the same time troublingly large. Since the runs had been set up to be identical one would hope for essentially zero differences.
99/10/29 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM: A priori ion-free plot label says cycles but values are in meters.
99/10/25 DEFECT IN LIBRARY libgpsC
SYMPTOM: List of empty strings in receiver lists from xsites.
99/10/21 13:00 DEFECT IN PROGRAM snxdif
SYMPTOM: Some unreasonable results reported in site coordinate differences.
99/10/05 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM arcic
SYMPTOM:Initial conditions for only a subset of available satellites are printed when using a broadcast message file as the source.
99/09/09 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM xsites
SYMPTOM:Incorrect antenna name inserted into record.
99/09/01 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM xsites
SYMPTOM:Catastrophica failure with core dump when a new receiver record is created.
99/09/01 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM:Conflicting status is reported when the ocean-loading correction is enabled.
99/09/01 DEFECTS IN LIBRARY libgpsF
SYMPTOM:A site, out of many others, showed incorrect L1 phase center offsets.
99/08/26 DEFECTS IN LIBRARY libgpsC
SYMPTOM:Catastrophic failure and core dump in xsites and related programs when reading some old format site_info files.
99/08/20 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM:When processing IGS data taken before mid-1994, error messages appear stating that "constrained site has zero sigma", but zero sigmas did not appear in the printout of a priori information for these sites.
99/08/19 DEFECTS IN SCRIPT run_survey
SYMPTOM:The appearance of system error messages related to awk and test followed by a warning of inappropriate use of the check_editdb function.
99/08/13 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM xsites
SYMPTOM:No syptoms were reported on the HP workstations.
99/08/13 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM:No syptoms were reported on the HP workstations.
99/07/13 DEFECT IN PROGRAM tdsolve
SYMPTOM:Program is unable to iterate to a solution on the HP workstations. It also complains of unmatched satellites.
99/06/23 DEFECT IN PROGRAM arcic
SYMPTOM:Program complains of missing satellites when the satellites are available from the precise ephemeris.
99/06/23 DEFECT IN PROGRAM editdb
SYMPTOM:Program reports erroreous number of data deletions and breaks.
99/06/01 DEFECT IN PROGRAM bei
SYMPTOM:Program returned the wrong common min time for files which spanned more than one day.
99/05/10 DEFECT IN PROGRAM dmjd
SYMPTOM:When converting from decimal MJD to calendar date, if the decimal day is very close to 1, the date returned is off by one day.
99/05/05 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM:Wildly erroneous tropo estimates were reported when one site's, gold, was set to be global and therefore passed on in the normal matrix file. Site ybhb reported a singularity caused by no date which was not seen if gold's tropo was not stored as a global parameter.
99/05/05 DEFECT IN LIBRARY libgpsF
SYMPTOM:Constraints specified in pages.skl were not being applied.
99/04/16 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey
SYMPTOM:Divide by zero message from check_editdb appears when processing a zero baseline.
99/04/16 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages
SYMPTOM:Catastrophic failure when processing a zero baseline
99/03/09 DEFECT IN PROGRAM xsites
SYMPTOM:Catastrophic failure with a segmentation violation.
99/03/09 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey
SYMPTOM:Could not find the work/processing directory. Directory name was wrong.
03/08/99 13:00 DEFECT in program GPSCOM
SYMPTOM:The Gpscom output Sinex file has 'null' antenna names.
99/03/01 DEFECT IN list
SYMPTOM: East adjustments printed by -neu option have the wrong sign when reading gpscom output file (gpr_gpscom.inp).
99/02/16 DEFECT IN xsites
SYMPTOM: program catastrophically fails on Linux systems when option to create a new antenna record is initiated.
99/02/12 DEFECT IN snx2erp
SYMPTOM: LOD rates in weekly EOP file were zero.
99/02/12 DEFECT IN run_arc
SYMPTOM: arcic was not running properly and process stream would fail.
99/02/08 DEFECT IN pages
SYMPTOM: Site velocity constraint applied to only one site from list.
99/01/28 DEFECT IN site2snx
SYMPTOM: Occasionally sigmas in the ESTIMATION block will be appear as zero.
99/01/28 DEFECT IN pages
SYMPTOM: Poor or no results when processing using the database orbit info.
99/01/28 DEFECT IN load_olt IN libgpsC
SYMPTOM: failure to compile under the Linux OS.
99/01/26 DEFECT IN site2snx
SYMPTOM: failure to compile under the Linux OS.
99/01/27 DEFECT IN run_survey
SYMPTOM: The two digit year 00 was trapped as a bad input.
99/01/27 DEFECT IN mergedb
SYMPTOM: editdb failure when reading the binary database.
99/01/27 DEFECT IN mergedb
SYMPTOM: Program failure reading the TAI-UTC file for processing dates after the year 1999.
99/01/22 DEFECT IN pages
SYMPTOM: A blank appears in the az-el plot file name.
98/12/28 DEFECT IN pages
SYMPTOM: Start/stop times negligibly close to the day boundary, i.e. 24h boundary, overflowed their printout.
98/12/16 DEFECT IN xsites
SYMPTOM: Some records could not be selected from the site information window (double clicked on) for editting or deletion.
98/12/11 DEFECT IN page5
SYMPTOM: Erroneous (truncated) paths were generated when using databases from a variety of different locations.
98/12/10 DEFECT IN xsites
SYMPTOM: When loading POM files into a site info file, antenna types were not being recognized or matched correctly to known types.
98/12/04 DEFECT IN tdsolve
SYMPTOM: The program had a catastrophic failure when wildly erroneous a priori station coordinates were entered.
98/11/19 DEFECT IN THE clibtools LIBRARY
SYMPTOM: Sporadic nonsensical output from some secondary programs, most recently the sitelist program.
98/10/22 DEFECT IN page5
SYMPTOM: A block of outlying residuals and high RMS in a fixed integer solution.
98/10/22 DEFECT IN page4
SYMPTOM: A block of outlying residuals and high RMS in a fixed integer solution.
98/10/20 DEFECT IN sitelist
SYMPTOM: Catastrophic failure and core dump if number of command-line arguments is wrong.
98/10/06 DEFECT IN page4
SYMPTOM: Cases had occurred in which fixing some or all integers appeared to cause large blocks of outliers reminiscent of cycle slips.
98/10/06 DEFECT IN editdb
SYMPTOM: An occasional single outlier occurs.
98/09/16 DEFECT in script handle_ser7
SYMPTOM:Pole and ut1 files from most recent handle_ser7 output were invalid.
98/09/03 DEFECT in EDITDB
SYMPTOM: Good data was showing a large satellite a priori rms and causing good data or good baselines to be eliminated.
98/09/02 DEFECT in script run_tdsolve
SYMPTOM:Warning messages appear in tdsolve.sum about the program being unable to find omitted station "0".
98/09/02 DEFECT in program page5
SYMPTOM:Program failure with integer overflow error.
98/08/05 DEFECT in program page5
SYMPTOM:Label errors in tropo sinex file.
98/08/05 DEFECT in script page4
SYMPTOM:Warning messages writen to log file at every epoch.
98/08/05 DEFECT in script page4
SYMPTOM:Standard error of unit weight and unweighted, estimated sample standard deviation differed significantly from value compute from data when double-difference decorrelation is on.
98/08/05 DEFECT in script setup_page4.skl
SYMPTOM:page4.skl was setup for non-continuous tropo corrections, not piecewise-linear (PWL) as intended.
98/08/04 DEFECT in MERGEDB
SYMPTOM:Catastrophic failure when attempting to run mergedb using binary ephemeris with once-per-revolution radiation pressure terms.
98/07/31 DEFECT in REFPRN
SYMPTOM:a bad refprn scenario was sometimes added to list of scenarios.
98/07/17 DEFECT in EDITDB
SYMPTOM: Single points or very short segments seen in residual plots
98/07/10 DEFECT in script handle_ser7
SYMPTOM:Script was failing to process Series 7 mailings from USNO when Bill's mailbox exceeded 99 messages.
06/16/98 16:50 DEFECT in program Snxdif
SYMPTOM: Print file missing part of the file name in some headers
98/06/10 DEFECT in page4
SYMPTOM: Wild phase residuals with a truncation of data on the NT platform.
98/06/10 DEFECT in editdb
SYMPTOM: Wild phase residuals with a truncation of data on the NT platform.
98/06/10 DEFECT in bdata
SYMPTOM: Wild phase residuals with a truncation of data on the NT platform.
98/06/02 DEFECT in mergedb
SYMPTOM: Catastrophic failure while reading wes23510.95o.
98/06/02 DEFECT in editdb
SYMPTOM: editdb fails with index out of bounds message
98/05/18 DEFECT in editdb
SYMPTOM: 1) small cycle slips apparently undetected by editdb 2) small slopes due to apparent bad channel not deleted 3) short data spans not deleted by editdb
98/05/14 15:05 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: Default designation for the ephemeris frame was ITR94.
98/05/07 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: Error message about unknown counts which was unrelated to the real problem
98/05/06 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: When all integers were fixed on some baslines, a segment of the phase residuals would become large outliers.
98/05/06 13:50 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: Program failed trying to write leap second times to log file
98/04/29 DEFECT in script setup_arcic.inp
SYMPTOM:New software package was working well in test runs done by Mark, but compared poorly to IGR in most production runs done by Orbiteers.
98/04/30 DEFECT in program refprn
SYMPTOM: page4 terminate with an error message about reference satellites' start/stop files
98/04/28 DEFECT in script run_tdsolve
SYMPTOM: Script failed to act upon plots flag resulting in an infinite loop.
98/04/21 DEFECT in script run_survey
SYMPTOM: Failed in baseline creation loop.Screen and run_msg print show baseline rather than database ID.
98/04/20 DEFECT in program xplot.exe
SYMPTOM: Epoch count in list pop-up window is off by one (true epoch - 1) for all epochs after end-of-file (EOF) in *.plt file.
98/04/20 DEFECT in program stree
SYMPTOM: Baseline lengths appear as asterisks for longer lines in the stree.sum file.
98/04/20 DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: Reported error opening broadcast message file when everything in directory appears normal. HP Fortran error was 920: Open of file connected to different unit attempted.
98/04/17 DEFECT in script run_survey
SYMPTOM: broadcast message file fails to appear in page skl file.
98/04/16 DEFECT in program editdb
SYMPTOM: Catastrophic failure on a subset of days in a project
98/04/10 DEFECT in program editdb
SYMPTOM: Catastrophic failure on 98/087 fort-asc1 baseline
98/04/08 DEFECT in program refprn
SYMPTOM: No scenarios printed to the *.prn file.
98/04/07 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: Abnormally large a priori residuals with no corresponding problem appearing in the post-fit residuals for 98_087. (see note below)
98/04/02 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: program failed catastrophically during computation of statistics when wild a priori residual drove "basement window" to non-sensical value.
98/03/21 DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: Last epoch sporadically omitted
98/03/19 DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: Erroneous tropo correction
98/03/16 DEFECT in program sort_rms
SYMPTOM: WARNING message that SV 31 appeared in only 25 baselines, when it actually appeared in 57 (out of 61) baselines.
98/03/13 DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: Compilation errors on PC
98/03/13 DEFECT in editdb
SYMPTOM: editdb wipes out all data for an sv after it becomes reference
03/12/98 13:00 DEFECT in program Snxdif
SYMPTOM: The program failed with a traceback in subroutine tmshft.
98/03/02 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: large post-fit RMS with discontinuities throughout post-fit plots when processing Feb 28, 1998
98/02/03 DEFECT IN PROGRAM sort_rms
SYMPTOM: Antenna type was NULL for stations COCO and KERG in GPS Weeks 936 through 939. Antenna offsets set to 0.0000.
98/01/27 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: erroneous relative humidity when reading values from RINEX met file
98/01/21 DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: only elv plot can be created if no precise ephemeris is available
98/01/08 a DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: often/always plot time tags are written with 60 in the seconds field, e.g. "12 01 00" will be written as "12 00 60"
97/12/19 DEFECT in program page
SYMPTOM: isolated integer cycle outliers (seen on NT version only to date)
97/12/19 DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: correctly omitted satellite coordinates in an SP3 ephemeris were misinterpreted.
97/08/28 15:30 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: If start time for a run to estimate EOP was greater than midday, the program would fail with a read beyond EOF in pmint.
97/08/01 09:30 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: IF site coordinates' estimated shifts are greater than a few decimeters and one attempts to fix integers, then solution degrades.
97/07/17 16:45 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: Discontinuities in post-fit plot for satellite PRN01
97/02/13 08:45 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: POST-FIT RMS mislabelled as CY POST-FIT plot mislabelled as CY
97/02/09 17:00 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: bad solution/wild residuals when processing with broadcast
97/02/05 08:30 DEFECT in program xplot.exe
SYMPTOM: Error after selecting plot but before plot appear.Screen messages about unable to allocate resoureces and find fonts
97/01/27 09:00 DEFECT in GPSCOM
SYMPTOM: Gpscom failed in CORS processing
SYMPTOM: Error printing routine did not specify the nature of the
SYMPTOM: Associated information not printed in the gpscom.snx file
97/01/24 09:00 DEFECT in program xsites
SYMPTOM: require exact match of site ID and point code, e.g. "godea", to display site
96/09/26 09:15 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: "% OMITTED" cosistently higher for first baseline listed
96/07/12 07:35 DEFECT in program locgen
SYMPTOM: segmentation fault
96/03/15 08:40 DEFECT in program page4
SYMPTOM: program fails with correlations turned on
96/03/07 12:43 DEFECT in program mergedb
SYMPTOM: erroneous file name give in info/comfort message when a read error detected in reading RINEX "o" files
96/02/20 17:00 DEFECT in Page4 SINEX output
SYMPTOM: The eccentricity values being reported in the SINEX files were incorrect.
96/01/31 15:40 DEFECT in page4
SYMPTOM: Bias in estimated positions for mixed antenna baselines
96/01/29 10:31 DEFECT in program arcic
SYMPTOM: Kilometer level error in initial conditions on day before leap second
96/01/11 DEFECT in conarc
SYMPTOM: catastrophic failures
95/11/17 10:28 DEFECT in staadj
SYMPTOM: Sporadically a site would have an erroneous values for the L1 PHASE coordinates in the page4.sum.
95/11/16 10:58 DEFECT in locgen
SYMPTOM: Baselines were selected which were not optimal given the total tracking time of on all possible baselines
95/11/03 08:50 DEFECT in page4
SYMPTOM: erroneous reference to /g1/Files/fsxyz rather than current standard /g1/Files/site_info
95/11/03 16:28 DEFECT in page4
SYMPTOM: The SOLUTION/APRIORI section of the SINEX files was empty.
95/11/01 13:18 DEFECT in mergedb
SYMPTOM: the eclipse file showed abnormal truncation or misformatting of the last line(s).
95/10/26 12:38 DEFECT in page4
SYMPTOM: occasionally "- ANT OFFSET" in coordinate deconstruction is not included in summary file for all sites.

Defect Index
September 13, 2000