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99/06/23 DEFECT IN PROGRAM editdb

SYMPTOM: Program reports erroreous number of data deletions and breaks.
PROBLEM: editdb reports to the screen and to the abaa00.sum file a count of the number of double difference residuals that it deleted and the number of breaks that it inserted. These numbers are/may be used to evaluate the performance of editdb and assess the worthiness of the data that it is editing. It appears that neither of these counters were initialized in the current version. The number of data deletions would typically appear large but plausible while the number of breaks was always implausibly large. Scripts that check % of data missing should now have accurate counts.
CORRECTION: The two counters for these quantities are now properly initialized
FOUND BY: G. Mader 99/06/21
FIXED BY: G. Mader 99/06/21

VERSION: 9906.21
NOTES: Mark/Steve - let me know where to send the revised source code.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla