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99/10/29 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages

SYMPTOM: A priori ion-free plot label says cycles but values are in meters.
PROBLEM: The format of the plot file allows only one Y-axis label which conflicted with the original desire to plot single frequency a priori residuals in cycles, dual frequency a priori residuals in meters.
CORRECTION: pltwrt.f: plot all a priori values in cycles.
FOUND BY: G. Mader 99/10/14
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk 99/10/29

VERSION: (see notes)
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Page5
EXECUTABLE: (see notes)
NOTES: Because this is a cosmetic change to a plot, this correction will not go out until the next upgrade.

October 29, 1999
Steve Hilla