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99/09/01 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM xsites

SYMPTOM: Catastrophica failure with core dump when a new receiver record is created.
PROBLEM: ReceiverCB.c - All record types, i.e. "C"=coordinate/velocity, "A"=antenna, etc., have an integer format identifier. Although the program was setting (incorrectly) this identifier for new "R"=receiver records after the format change of 99Aug20 (new IGS name length standards).
CORRECTION: ReceiverCB.c - correct format specifier.
FOUND BY: W Kass 99/09/01
FIXED BY: M Schenewerk 99/09/01

VERSION: 9909.01
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Xsites
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin

September 01, 1999
Steve Hilla