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99/05/05 DEFECT IN PROGRAM pages

SYMPTOM: Wildly erroneous tropo estimates were reported when one site's, gold, was set to be global and therefore passed on in the normal matrix file. Site ybhb reported a singularity caused by no date which was not seen if gold's tropo was not stored as a global parameter.
PROBLEM: Until the end of 1998, the tropo parameters were accessed in a position (in the matrix) specific manner relative to each other. At the end of 1998, when pages was generalized to allow most parameters to be global, this relative referencing no longer held true and the program was modified to match this situation. Unfortunately, one routine, pwlswap, which ensures that both parts of a piece-wise, linear parameter were forward reduced, still contained a loop which attempted to handle only the non-global tropo parameters. In this case, because the last site in the matrix was non-global but another was global, the tropo's for the last site in the matrix were not being forward reduced and eliminated properly.
CORRECTION: pwlswap.f: Correct limits for tropo loop.
FOUND BY: Mike Morrison 99/05/05
FIXED BY: Steve Hilla 99/05/05

VERSION: 9905.05
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Page5
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin
NOTES: If none or all of the sites were tropos were specified as global, i.e., typical baseline or orbit processing respectively, the defective version of the program would have run correctly.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla