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00/05/26 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey

SYMPTOM: Fails with "not integer" error message when -x and -y options are used.
PROBLEM: There were variable name types "${NSV}X" and "${NSV}Y" in the -x and -y respectively switch blocks for parsing the command- line.
CORRECTION: Change "${NSV}X" to "${NSVX}" and "${NSV}Y" to "${NSVY}"
FOUND BY: R. Dulaney (00may26)
FIXED BY: R. Dulaney and M. Schenewerk (00may26)

VERSION: 00/05/26
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Scripts
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/scripts/run_survey

May 26, 2000
Steve Hilla