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99/01/28 DEFECT IN site2snx

SYMPTOM: Occasionally sigmas in the ESTIMATION block will be appear as zero.
PROBLEM: In the SINEX format, all values in the estimation block are written in scientific notation with the fractional value always less than one and the exponent adjusted apropriately. The standard formatting routines worked correctly except for values exactly a power of 10. These would be written as 1.0 to some power. Subsequently the "1" was truncated and the erroneous value formed.
CORRECTION: write_ESTIMATE.c: Add a trap for "power of ten" cases and specialized formatting code.
FOUND BY: M. Morrison 99/01/28
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk 99/01/28

VERSION: 9901.28
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Site2snx
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla