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98/08/05 DEFECT in program page5

SYMPTOM: Label errors in tropo sinex file.
PROBLEM: The output tropo interval and tropo solution block label formats were in error.
CORRECTION: Changed formats in trosnx.f. In trohdr, changed "SAMPLING TROPO" to "SAMPLING TROP ". In troblk, changed "TROP/SOLUTIONS" to "TROP/SOLUTION ".
FOUND BY: G. Gendt and R. Dulaney 98/08/14
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk 98/08/14

VERSION: 9808.14
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Page5 /g1/HPUX.09/Src/Page5

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla