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00/01/11 DEFECT IN PROGRAM reformat_llsolv

SYMPTOM: Failed to generate EOP files when reading a gpscom output file.
PROBLEM: Each parameter is given a short identifying label. reformat_llsolv, and other programs, use these labels to identify the parameters. From the weekly combinations, it appeared that there was a leading blank for the EOP parameters labels, but this leading character is used in the daily files. The weekly combinations do not need this character and set it to a blank.
CORRECTION: scan_llsolv.c: Changed to traps for EOP parameter labels so as to not check for a leading blank.
FOUND BY: R. Dulaney
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk

VERSION: 1.8 : 00/01/11
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Reformat_llsolv
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin/reformat_llsolv

January 11, 2000
Steve Hilla