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99/08/20 DEFECTS IN PROGRAM pages

SYMPTOM: When processing IGS data taken before mid-1994, error messages appear stating that "constrained site has zero sigma", but zero sigmas did not appear in the printout of a priori information for these sites.
PROBLEM: adcnst.f - The computation of the site coordinate sigma, for use as a weight in the coordinate constraint, was not incorporating the site velocity sigmas correctly.
CORRECTION: adcnst.f - Correct computation of site coordinate sigmas.
FOUND BY: J Marshall 99/08/20
FIXED BY: M Schenewerk 99/08/20

VERSION: (see note)
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Page5
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin
NOTES: Constraints were still being applied but not at the level implied by the user instruction. Because these defects were causing no problems in normal operation and because other program enhancements are underway, this changes will not be implemented until the next upgrade.

August 20, 1999
Steve Hilla