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98/05/06 DEFECT in program page4

SYMPTOM: When all integers were fixed on some baslines, a segment of the phase residuals would become large outliers.
PROBLEM: Two defects were found: 1) page was not correctly tracking loss of lock (data gaps and user input breaks). This caused the selection of the (arbitrary) "satellite to have its phase ambiguity set to zero" to vary as integers were fixed. (see note below). This resulted in "new" ambiguities appearing erroneously. 2) The search of the integer file had a logic error which created a hole. If two (or more) integers were listed with ending times one epoch apart, the second integer was "missed" and the now erroneous earlier integer was held until the next check of the file.
CORRECTION: For defect 1: in obsdd.f: modify the kntbia array, which had stored observation counts if no integer was fixed, to store counts as a position number if no integer is fixed and as a negative number if integers are fixed. Thus the obs count is always available and the sign of that count can serve as a flag of a fixed integer. in swbias.f:use modified kntbia to forward reduce and restart ambiguities if float; simply follow phase continuity if fixed. in swbrk.f: use modified kntbia to forward reduce and restart ambiguities if float; simply follow phase continuity if fixed. For defect 2: in rdint.f: changed logic on test for next time to search integer file.
FOUND BY: Baseline Advisory Group 98/04/30
FIXED BY M. Schenewerk 98/05/06

VERSION: 9805.06
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Page4 /g1/HPUX.09/Src/Page4
EXECUTABLE: /g1/HPUX.10/Bin /g1/HPUX.09/Bin
NOTES: Recall that because the phase ambiguities are constants and page does double differencing, the solution of those ambiguities is degenerate and singular, i.e. one phase bias can not be estimated. The specific phase ambiguity and its value are arbitrary in this system of equations. page chooses the current reference satellite and sets its ambiguity to zero.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla