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99/03/09 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey

SYMPTOM: Could not find the work/processing directory. Directory name was wrong.
PROBLEM: The scripting function used to rectify numbers, i.e. check that a number was within given bounds and prepend leading zeros, was not performing correctly in the Linux environment.
CORRECTION: Modify the rectify_number function of run_survey. Use awk rather than script language capabilities.
FOUND BY: Gerry Creager 99/03/08
FIXED BY: Steve Hilla 99/03/09

VERSION: 9903.0.
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Scripts
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/scripts
NOTES: An identical change was made to run_tdsolve to assure these related scripts continued to be similar.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla