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97/02/05 08:30 DEFECT in program xplot.exe

SYMPTOM: Error after selecting plot but before plot appear. Screen messages about unable to allocate resoureces and find fonts
PROBLEM: Improperly initialized variable in init_marg.c. A string pointer "s" is supposed to be set to the default "plot.font". If that X resource is not set, that string is set equal to NULL. Sub- sequent calls to load fonts, XLoadQueryFont routine, do not accept NULL as a valid imput and fail.
CORRECTION: Example old test was if( (fs=XLoadQueryFont(Disp, s))==NULL) do default action changed to if( s == NULL || (fs=XLoadQueryFont(Disp, s))==NULL) do default action where s, as mentioned above, is supposed to contain user resource value.
FOUND BY: M. Schenewerk
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk

VERSION: 9702.05
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.09/Src/Xplot /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Xplot /g1/Linux/Src/ (as soon as possible) (later today)
EXECUTABLE: /g1/HPUX.09/Bin /g1/HPUX.10/Bin /g1/Linux/Bin (as soon as possible) (later today)
NOTES: Code has always been this way. I don't know why it fails now on these machines.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla