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98/04/10 DEFECT in program editdb

SYMPTOM: Catastrophic failure on 98/087 fort-asc1 baseline
PROBLEM: Uninitialized variable used as array index could sporadically cause program failure.
CORRECTION: In loaddata.f, initialize variable iobsl to zero.
FOUND BY: W. Kass 98/04/03
FIXED BY G. Mader 98/04/09

VERSION: 9804.09
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Editdb /g1/HPUX.09/Src/Editdb
EXECUTABLE: /g1/HPUX.10/Bin /g1/HPUX.09/Bin
NOTES: This code has additional comment lines bringing it closer to the SCB standards. Stray write to unopened file 41 has been tracked down and eliminated. Some orphaned variables have been removed. Standard library routines have replaced equivalent program specific routines. (prepared by MSS)

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla