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99/02/16 DEFECT IN xsites

SYMPTOM: program catastrophically fails on Linux systems when option to create a new antenna record is initiated.
PROBLEM: The call to the event handler for the antenna name text field expected an array of pointers to arrays of pointers. The call was mistyped and only one element (array) of the array was passed.
CORRECTION: dialog_A.c Correct call to event handler for the antenna name text field.
FOUND BY: M. Schenewerk 99/02/04
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk 99/02/15

VERSION: 9902.16
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Xsites
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin
NOTES: The HP's seemed to work correctly with this fault.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla