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03/08/99 13:00 DEFECT in program GPSCOM

SYMPTOM: The Gpscom output Sinex file has 'null' antenna names.
PROBLEM: Gpscom was not initializing the list of antenna names when it was not given an antenna calibration file. This problem --does not-- exist if the antenna calibration file is given.
CORRECTION: Correct Gpscom to always initialize the array. This fix fixes the program bug. To ensure completely correct antenna names in the Sinex file, see notes below.
FOUND BY: Neil Weston and Bill Dillinger
FIXED BY: Bill Dillinger

VERSION: 9903.08
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Gpscom/
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin/gpscom
NOTES: The numerical results produced by Gpscom where correct in the older version of the program, even in the presence of this problem . Only the antenna names given in the Sinex file were affected. This was because the offesets needed to compute final coordinates were provided by the site_info file. HOWEVER, given changes to the site_info file recently requested to remove antenna offset information. In the very near future correct coordinate values can only be provided by program Gpscom if a correct antenna calibration file is provided. Therefore please provide GPSCOM with the following information or the equivalent in the gpscom.pdf file. ANTENNA PHASE CORR /ngslib/data/GPS/ant_info.001

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla