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00/01/05 DEFECT IN PROGRAM xplot

SYMPTOM: Failed to generate a plot which spanned midnight Dec 31, 1999.
PROBLEM: xplot tracks time as a count of epochs. If the start and stop times in the plot lim(it) file, which have only the day- of-year plus time, spanned the end of a any year I (MSS) don't believe the program would have worked. It certainly didn't for the 1999 - 2000 change.
CORRECTION: create_pfc.c: Added standard conversion: year > 79, add 1900; year < 80, add 2000. create_pc.c: Added standard conversion: year > 79, add 1900; year < 80, add 2000. Makefile: Updated the locations of the X and Motif libraires.
FOUND BY: M. Schenewerk
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk

VERSION: no version number
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Xplot
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin/xplot.exe

January 05, 2000
Steve Hilla