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98/04/20 DEFECT in program stree

SYMPTOM: Baseline lengths appear as asterisks for longer lines in the stree.sum file.
PROBLEM: Insufficient width in print format field.
CORRECTION: in stree.f, expand the print format field with.
FOUND BY: W. Kass 98/04/16
FIXED BY S. Hilla 98/04/16

VERSION: 9804.16
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Stree /g1/HPUX.09/Src/Stree
EXECUTABLE: /g1/HPUX.10/Bin/stree /g1/HPUX.09/Bin/stree
NOTES: Took this opportunity to add baseline lengths to the *.bls file.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla