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99/01/27 DEFECT IN mergedb

SYMPTOM: Program failure reading the TAI-UTC file for processing dates after the year 1999.
PROBLEM: arc uses formatted reads to input most control and data files. One of these formatted reads truncated the year to two digits. Unfortunately, internally, the program consistently truncated the year by subtracting 1900. This cause a conflict for the year 2000 (and after) which resulted in erroneous interpretation of dates and a failure in the routine which reads TAI-UTC. Furthermore, there was code in this program which would cause this program to stop under any circumstance in 2000 and after.
CORRECTION: julday.f: Change the Gregorian to Julian date converter to understand two digit years as being between 1978 (the date of the first operational GPS transitter) and 2077. Removed code which forced program termination for year 2000 and afterward.
FOUND BY: M. Schenewerk 99/01/27
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk 99/01/27

SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Arc
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin
NOTES: I (MSS) took this opportunity to include the modifications so that HP version of mergedb could successfully read PC files. Recall that DOS descendent operating systems use two characters, a carriage control and line feed, to terminate lines; Unix descendent use the line feed only. Therefore, an uncoverted DOS RINEX file will appear to have "stray" characters in the Unix environment. I modified the the RINEX reading subroutines to handle this special case. I also combined the routines into a single source code file. A few additional modifications will be necessary but these routines are almost in the form to be more general, library functions if desired.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla