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98/03/19 DEFECT in program mergedb

SYMPTOM: Erroneous tropo correction
PROBLEM: Two errors: 1) In phsres, the surface met values were being modified for the station height, i.e. pressure(used) = pressure(input)*exp(hgt/atm_scale_height) If one used true surface met, this effectively resulted in correcting for the station height twice. 2) longitude rather than latitude was used to compute delays. The former causes a strong station height dependence in the tropo parameters.
CORRECTION: Remove scaling of surface met values. Change index of lat, lon, hgt vector, rllh(), from 2 to 1.
FOUND BY: M. Schenewerk
FIXED BY: M. Schenewerk

VERSION: 9803.19
SOURCE: /u2/Beta/Src/Mergedb
EXECUTABLE: /u2/Beta/Bin
NOTES: Cross-checked these defects with the OMNI version of mergedb with Hilla. These are limited to the "Unix" version. This modification will be generally destributed in the next upgrade (est. 98mar30).

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla