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99/08/19 DEFECTS IN SCRIPT run_survey

SYMPTOM: The appearance of system error messages related to awk and test followed by a warning of inappropriate use of the check_editdb function.
PROBLEM: If a baseline was processed for which no observations were available to the editting process, zero was used in the denominator when the check_editdb function computed the percentage of observations deleted.
CORRECTION: In the check_editdb function in run_survey: Added a trap for zero total observations in the check_editdb function. Zero total obs returns 100% deletion.
FOUND BY: J Marshall 99/08/19
FIXED BY: M Schenewerk 99/08/19

VERSION: 1.11 99/08/19
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Scripts
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/scripts

August 19, 1999
Steve Hilla