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99/04/16 DEFECT IN SCRIPT run_survey

SYMPTOM: Divide by zero message from check_editdb appears when processing a zero baseline.
PROBLEM: Apparently editdb does not print the satellite-by-satellite RMS list when the RMS's are zero. run_survey uses this list to count the number of satellites which have survived editting. This number is used (as a divisor) to compute the estimated characteristics for the baseline to determine if the baseline should be kept.
CORRECTION: Trap the zero baseline conditions for percentage of OBS that survived. Set to 100 for this case.
FOUND BY: John Marshall 99/04/16
FIXED BY: Steve Hilla 99/04/16

VERSION: 9904.16
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Scripts
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/scripts

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla