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97/08/28 15:30 DEFECT in program page4

SYMPTOM: If start time for a run to estimate EOP was greater than midday, the program would fail with a read beyond EOF in pmint.
PROBLEM: When calculating the bounding interval for these time dependent parameters, subroutine byint used code like out_faction= dble( idnint( in_fraction / interval ) ) * interval The indnint caused it to round up when the time was greater than or equal to midday.
CORRECTION: 1) changed byint to use idint rather than idnint 2) modified pmint to trap read errors 3) modified ut1int to trap read errors
FOUND BY: W Dillinger
FIXED BY: M Schenewerk

SOURCE: eopadj.f byint.f
NOTES: Will go out with next upgrade.

June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla