Progress Toward a Modernized NSRS

February 8, 2024  |  2:00-3:00 pm, ET

Presenters: Dr. Dru Smith, NSRS Modernization Manager, National Geodetic Survey.

Since 2007, NGS has been working toward a modernized NSRS. Those efforts are finally coming to an end, and by 2025 it is expected that the modernized NSRS will be rolled-out. Four new terrestrial reference frames and a geopotential datum will replace the many disparate pieces of the current NSRS (including NAD 83 and NAVD 88). An updated version of OPUS and an entirely new database with new datasheets will be part of the new system. Come hear the latest updates and schedule for the modernized NSRS.

*Technical Content Rating: Intermediate - Some prior knowledge of the topic is helpful.