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reformat_llsolv strips information from the llsolv and gpscom printout and produces the program control files necessary to create adjusted ephemerides using the orbit integrator.


reformat_llsolv is a command-line controlled program:
  reformat_llsolv file1 {file2 ...}


A crude flow chart of the procedure using reformat_llsolv would look like:
             DOY1        DOY2  ...   DOYn
               \          |           /
                \         |          /
                 \        |         /

                     (or gpscom)
                   (or gpr_gpscom.inp)

                 /        |         \
                /         |          \
               /          |           \
          gmod.DOY1   gmod.DOY2 ... gmod.DOYn
           arc.DOY1    arc.DOY2     arc.DOYn
         rotorb.DOY1 rotorb.DOY2   rotorb.DOYn
         conarc.DOY1 conarc.DOY2   conarc.DOYn
          eop.DOY1    eop.DOY2      eop.DOYn
         pole.DOY1   pole.DOY2     pole.DOYn
          ut1.DOY1    ut1.DOY2      ut1.DOYn


                    cp soltab.  .
                    cp luntab.  .
                    cp nutabl.  .
                   cp svnav.dat .
                   cp leap.sec  .
                 cp leap_seconds  .
                          |  loop i from
                          |  DOY1 to DOYn
                          |                |
                   cp pole.i pole.         |
                    cp ut1.i ut1.          |
                     arc < arc.i           |
                          |                |
                          |                |
                cp rotorb.i rotorb.inp     |
                       rotorb              |
                          |                |
                          |                |
                  cp globl${i}.orb  .      |
                cp conarc.i conarc.inp     |
                       conarc              |
                          |                |
                          |                |
                   cp asc.i STORAGE        |
                          |                |
The programs required to create an ephemeris from the reformat_llsolv output files are:
arc, rotorb, and conarc.

The more general production files required are those typical of a binary ephemeris used in production processing:
soltab., luntab., nutabl. svnav.dat, leap.sec and leap_seconds.

The only other source file required is the llsolv or gpscom printout. The required EOP values are those modified by llsolv or gpscom and so new eop.DOY, pole.DOY, and ut1.DOY files are created for each day. The files produced which are specific to a given day are tagged with the day-of-year (DOY) number as the extension to that file. The final, adjusted ephemeris is given a generic name of asc.DOY where, again, DOY is the day-of-year. Each asc.DOY file has several hours of overlap with the adjacent days for overlap comparisons and convenience.

One additional file specific to each day, the broadcast orbit file, is also required to insert the broadcast clock models. The program assumes this file will have a name in the form globlDOY.orb. This name is written into the conarc.inp file by default. To modify this name, an (external) sed command would have to be performed on the conarc.DOY file before installing the contents into conarc.inp.

Note: Some care must be taken to preserve the original files, because modified pole. and ut1. files will be created. The simplest solution could be to perform the operations shown in the above flow chart in a special directory.

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January 14, 2000
Steve Hilla