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gpscom.html - 96Dec26


A program for the combined adjustment of multiple GPS data sets initially processed by the program Pages


The program Gpscom is a simple Helmert Blocking normal equation processor which combines multiple GPS data sets that have initially been processed by the program Pages to form and partially reduce normal equations eliminating numerous nusiance parameters which are not generally of interest in a large global adjustment. The normal equation elements for the global parameters, those to be passed on to a combined adjustment, are written by Pages into a normal equation file which becomes the basic input data for the program Gpscom. One or more of these files as well as its own output normal equation files can then be processed by Gpscom to provide a combined adjustment of the global parameters.

This program was written in FORTRAN. Predominantly ANSI standard FORTRAN, a few isolated routines query the operating system for time and date, user and system identification. These "system" routines are inherently non-portable but, should be easily modified or disabled.

Making Combined Adjustments

Input Data Files

Output Files

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March 4, 1999
Bill Dillinger