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Table of Contents

Primary Programs and Scripts

run_tdsolve Script to assist with site coordinate estimates using triple-differenced, GPS phase obesrvations.
run_survey Script to assist with site parameter estimates using double-differenced, GPS phase observations.
tdsolve Rapid and reliable triple-difference phase solutions.
mergedb Creates a processing database from RINEX files.
stree Selects a independent baseline network.
refprn Automated reference satellite selection for double difference processing.
editdb Automated double-difference phase data editor.
bdata Applies editing instructions to a database.
pages Program for the Adjustment of GPS EphemerideS.
gpscom Combines normal equation files from multiple pages executions into a global adjustment.

Support Programs and Scripts

arc Computes an ephemeris for GPS satellites from a set of initial conditions.
Copyrighted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at San Diego. All rights reserved.
arcic Creates arc initial condition (satellite state vectors) file from and sp3 or broadcast message file.
autobias Interactive conversion of phase bias ambiguities to integers.
bei Scans RINEX files for Beginning and Ending times, and the observation Interval.
cato Concatinates RINEX observation files.
cdai Converts integer file between PC and HP internal formats.
ceph Compares two GPS ephemerides generating a seven parameter transformation, and statistics.
combprn Combines single baseline refprn scenario files into a single pages input file.
conarc Converts a arc binary ephemeris to the sp3 format.
day Converts hour, minutes, seconds to/from decimal day.
dmjd Converts the date and time to/from a decimal modified Julian date.
dow Converts calendar date or MJD to day-of-week (0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday).
doy Converts calendar date to day-of-year.
fixint1 Automated conversion of phase bias ambiguities to integers.
gpscal Generates a monthly calendar for the specified date.
gpswk Converts the date to/from the GPS week.
list Strip station adjustments from the pages or gpscom summary files.
llsolv Using results from a combined adjustment back solve the local parameters for a lower level normal equation file from pages or gpscom .
log2site Converts an IGS-style log file to site_info entries.
mjd Converts the date to/from the modified Julian date.
neos2arc Converts the NEOS bulletin B EOP file to a format compatible with arc.
nuvmov Generates model site velocities given station coordinates.
pa2b Converts a binary run_survey database to ASCII for transfer between computers.
r2wco Transforms an sp3 satellite ephemeris file and a troposphere SINEX file to be compatible with a new reference frame.
rdmat Formats and prints binary normal equation files created by pages and gpscom.
reformat_llsolv strips information from the llsolv and gpscom printout and produces the program control files necessary to create adjusted ephemerides using the orbit integrator.
rotorb Rotates an arc binary ephemeris from intertial to Earth-centered, fixed coordinates of epoch.
snx2erp Scans SINEX files for and prints Earth orientation parameters in a standard format.
snx2site Converts a SINEX file to the site_info/xsites format.
snxdif Determines a seven parameter adjustment between two SINEX files and prints the differences for site coordinates and EOP parameters.
site2pom Converts a site_info information to the POM file format.
This program is no longer supported. See sitelist.
sitelist Lists specified site_info information.
site2snx Converts a site_info/xsites file to the SINEX format.
sort_rms Strips satellite by satellite RMS values greater than a specified limit from a pages summary file.
troupd Converts daily tropo SINEX file to be compatible with the weekly, combined solutions.
xsites Creates, modifies, displays station information files.
xyz2llh Converts Earth-centered, fixed coordinates to geodetic latitude, longitude and ellipsoid height.
xyz2neu Converts local X/Y/Z to or from N/E/U vector components.
zw Strips zenith wet delay estimates from a pages summary file and formats them as a RINEX met file.

Programs No Longer Supported

copage4 Combines single baseline page4.inp files.
doofuss Automatic double-difference, phase editor using raw observations.
eop_from_sinex Scans SINEX files for and prints Earth orientation parameters in a standard format.
locgen Determines a independent baseline network and the reference satellite scnearios to be used for each baseline.
pfedit Automatic editor using post-fit residual plots.

Index of defect reports

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April 27, 2000