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Scans SINEX files for Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) and prints values in a standard formats.


eop_from_sinex can be run as a command-line controlled program:
  eop_from_sinex file1 {file2 ...}
or as a filter:
  cat file | eop_from_sinex
Any polar motion values are rescaled, reformated and printed to stdout.

The default format is that used by the IGS, but the -n flag forces the output to mimic the older NOAA format.

eop_from_sinex is an ANSI standard C program. All source code is available from the author.


The default output format is consisted with that used by the IGS for distribution of EOP values. A labeled example is:
    mjd   xpole  ypole ut1-utc     lod xsig ysig utsig ldsig  nr  nf  nt   xdot   ydot xdotsig ydotsig
50292.50  25218  47064  155035    1286    3    3     2     3  49  15  24     78   -363       5       6
mjd      = modified Julian date
xpole    = X pole rotation (1.0e5 * arcsec)
ypole    = Y pole rotation (1.0e5 * arcsec)
ut1-utc  = UT1-UTC (1.0e6 * sec)
lod      = length-of-day (1.0e6 * sec/day)
xsig     = X pole sigma (1.0e5 * arcsec)
ysig     = Y pole sigma (1.0e5 * arcsec)
utsig    = UT1-UTC sigma (1.0e6 * sec)
ldsig    = length-of-day sigma (1.0e6 * sec/day)
nr       = total number of station in solution
nf       = number of constrained station in solution
nt       = number of satellites in solution
           NOTE: this info is not available in the SINEX file
xdot     = X pole rate of change (1.0e5 * arcsec/day)
ydot     = Y pole rate of change (1.0e5 * arcsec/day)
xdotsig  = X pole rate sigma (1.0e5 * arcsec/day)
ydotsig  = Y pole rate sigma (1.0e5 * arcsec/day)
This format is an older variant originally used by the NOAA GPS Orbit processing group. It is supported to maintain compatibility with historical solutions. An example is:
    mjd   xpole   ypole   ut1-utc  xsig    ysig    utsig    nr  nf  nt
50292.00 0.25179 0.47246 0.155678 0.00004 0.00004 0.000001  49  15   0
mjd      = Modified Julian date
xpole    = X pole rotation (arcsec)
ypole    = Y pole rotation (arcsec)
ut1-utc  = UT1-UTC (sec)
xsig     = X pole sigma (arcsec)
ysig     = Y pole sigma (arcsec)
utsig    = UT1-UTC sigma (sec)
nr       = total number of station in solution
nf       = number of constrained station in solution
nt       = number of satellites in solution
           NOTE: this info is not available in the SINEX file

 TOC  |      |      |              |              | INDEX 

January 14, 2000