GRAV-D Data Block MS01

GRAV-D Block MS01 is located in the Mountain Time Zone, in the South half (South of 40 ° latitude). This was the first (01) block of data completed in that region.

   Block Extent                 Data Lines


How to Cite These Data:

The following citations should be used in all presentations or publications that reference the GRAV-D work. Please replace the DATE tag in the following references with the date you downloaded the data or reports from the NGS website.

To reference the MS01 data file, reference the webpage:
GRAV-D Team (2018). "Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) Project, Airborne Gravity Data; Block MS01". Available DATE. Online at:

To reference the block and survey details, reference the block user manual:
GRAV-D Team (2018). "Block MS01 (Mountain South 01); GRAV-D Airborne Gravity Data User Manual." Jeffery A Johnson ed. BETA Available DATE. Online at:

To reference the general GRAV-D project operations, reference the General User Manual:
GRAV-D Team (2017). "GRAV-D General Airborne Gravity Data User Manual." Theresa Damiani, Monica Youngman, and Jeffery Johnson ed. Version 2.1. Available DATE. Online at:

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