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GPS/GNSS Bibliography

This bibliography is a compilation by published year of peer-reviewed articles describing original research with citations that may be of interest to other investigators working in any of the GPS/GNSS fields. Titles of new books and conference proceedings that include a significant number of chapters and/or articles dealing with GPS/GNSS are also listed in italics in this bibliography. Articles, primarily appearing in trade journals, containing interspersed advertisements are only identified by their first page number followed by the symbol +. Contributions with more than five authors will be referenced under the first author name and the extension et al.

Tomás Soler, Ph.D.
Editor, GPS/GNSS Current Bibliography, GPS Solutions

By Year:

Agarval M, Singh R, Meshram MK (2013) Linearly polarized planar inverted F-antenna for Global Positioning System and woldwide interoperability for microwave access applications. IET Microw. Anten. Propag. 7(12): 991-998

Ahn J, Kim S, Byun J, Kim AS, Kim Y (2013) Compact PCB-embedded GPS antennas loaded with a coupling strip and lumped elements for mobile phones. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 55(2): 363-366

Akala AO, Rabiu AB, Somoye EO, Oyeyemi EO, Adeloye AB (2013) The response of African equatorial GPS-TEC to intense geomagnetic storms during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. 98: 50-62

Akala AO et al. (2013) Comparison of equatorial GPS-TEC observations over an African station and American station during the minimum and ascending phases of solar cycle 24. Ann. Geophysicae 31(11): 2085-2096

Aktuğ B, Yildirim O (2013) Regularized estimation of Euler pole parameters. Earth Planets and Space 65(7): 699-705

Aktuğ B et al. (2013) GPS constraints on the deformation of Azerbaijan and sorrounding regions. J. Geodynamics 67(SI): 40-45

Aktuğ B et al. (2013) Deformation of Central Anatolia: GPS implications. J. Geodynamics 67(SI): 78-96

Alam N, Kealy A, Dempster AG (2013) Cooperative inertial navigation for GNSS-challenged vehicular environments. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 14(3): 1370-1379

Alba D, Fairley P (2013) Interplanetary GPS comes a step closer. IEEE Spectrum 50(7): 11-13

Alem LN, Passini HF, Minutta RA (2013) Embedded system for the command of a high-gain antenna pedestal with GPS coordinates. IEEE Latin Am. Trans. 11(1): 190-195

Alfonsi L et al. (2013) Comparative analysis of spread-F signature and GPS scintillation occurrences at Tucumán, Argentina. J. Geophys. Res.-Space Phys 118(7): 44483-4502

Al-Shaery A, Zhang S, Rizos C (2013) An enhanced calibration method of GLONASS inter-channel bias for GNSS RTK. GPS Solutions 17(2): 165-173

Amerian Y, Hossainali MM, Voooghi B (2013) Regional improvement of IRI extracted ionospheric electron density by compactly supported base functions using GPS observations. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. 92: 23-30

Amerian Y, Voosoghi B, Hossainali MM (2013) Regional ionosphere modeling in support of IRI and wavelet using GPS. Acta Geophys. 61(5): 1246-1261

Amiri-Simkooei AR (2013) On the nature of GPS draconitic year periodic pattern in multivariate position time series. J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth 118(5): 2500-2511

Amiri-Simkooei AR, Zangeneh-Nejad F, Asgar J (2013) Least-squares variance component estimation applied to GPS geometry-based observation model. J. Surv. Eng. 139(4): 176-187

Anquela AB, Martin A, Berné JL, Padin J (2013) positioning. J. Surv. Eng. 139(1): 47-58

Ao CO, Haij AJ (2013) Monitoring the width of the tropical belt with GPS radio occultation nmeasurements. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40(23): 6236-6241

Aoyama Y, Doi K, Shibuya K, Ohta H, Tsuwa I (2013) Near real-time monitoring of flow velocity and direction in the floating ice tongue of the Shirase Glacier using low-cost GPS buoys. Earth Planets and Space 65(2): 103-108

Aranzulla M, Cannavo F, Scollo S, Puglisi G, Imme G (2013) Volcanic ash detection by GPS signal. GPS Solutions 17(4): 485-497

Ardaens JS, D'Amico S, Cropp A (2013) GPS-based relative navigation for the Proba-3 formation flying mission. Acta Astronautica. 91: 341-355

Astafyeva E, Rolland L, Lognonne P, Khelfi K, Yahagi T (2013) Parameters of seismic source as deduced from 1Hz ionospheric GPS data: Case study of the 2011 Tohoku-oki event. J. Geophys. Res.-Space Phys 118(9): 5942-5950

Bachman W, Oliveira M, Xu J, Sabina E (2013) Household-level global positioning system travel data to measure regional traffic congestion. Transp. Res. Record 2308: 10-16

Bakula M (2013) Study of reliable rapid and ultrarapid static GNSS surveying for determination of the coordinates of control points in obstructed conditions. J. Surv. Eng. 139(4): 188-193

Banville S, Langley RB (2013) Mitigating the impact of ionospheric cycle slips in GNSS observations. J. Geod. 87(2): 179-193

Basha G, Ratman MV, Manjula G, Sekhar AVC (2013) Anomalous propagation conditions observed over a tropical station using high-resolution GPS radiosonde observations. Radio Sci. 48(1): 42-49

Bevis M, Brown A, Kendrick E (2013) Devising stable geometrical reference frames for use in geodetic studies of vertical crustal motion. J. Geod. 87(4): 311-321

Bhuyan PK, Hazarika R (2013) GPS TEC near the crest of the EIA at 95 degrees E during the ascending half of solar cycle 24 and comparison with IRS simulations. Adv. Space Res. 52(7): 1247-1260

Bidaine B, Lonchay M, Warnant R (2013) Galileo single frequency ionospheric correction: performance in terms of position. GPS Solutions 17(1): 63-73

Bierlaire M, Chen JM, Newman J (2013) Aprbabilistic map matching method for smartphone GPS data. Transp. Res. (Part C) 26: 78-98

Blewitt G, Kreemer C, Hammond WC, Goldfarb JM (2013) Terrestrial reference frame NA 12 for crustal deformation studies in North America. J. Geodyn. 72: 11-24

Blondi R, Ho SP, Randel W, Syndergaard S, Neubert T (2013) Tropical cyclone cloud-top height and vertical temperature structure detection using GPS radio occultation measurements. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres 118(11): 5247-5259

Bonafoni S et al. (2013) Assessment of water vapor retrievals from GPS receiver netwok. GPS Solution 17(4): 475-484-1322

Bonforte A, Guglielmino F, Puglisi G (2013) Interaction between magma intrusion and flank dynamics at Mt. Etna in 2008, imaged by integrated dense GPS and DInSAR data. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 14(8): 2818-2835

Bonnefond P, Exertier P, Laurain O, Thibaut P, Mercier F (2013) GPS-based sea level measurements to help the characterization of land contamination in coastal areas. Adv. Space Res. 51(8): 1383-1399

Boroujeni BY, Frey HC, Sandhu GS (2013) Road grade measurement using in-vehicle, stand-alone GPS with barometric altimeter. J. Transp. Eng. 139(6): 605-611

Bos MS, Fernandes RMS, Williams SDP, Bastos L (2013) Fast error anaysis of continuous GNSS observations with missing data. J. Geod. 87(4): 351-360

Botteron C et al. (2013) Soil moisture & snow properties determination with GNSS in Alpine environments: Challenges, status, and perspectives. Remote Sens. 5(7): 3516-3543

Boutiouta S, Lahcene A (2013) Preliminary study of GNSS meteorology techniques in Algeria. Int. J. Remote Sens. 34(14): 5105-5118

Bowling T, Calais E, Haase JS (2013) Detection and modelling of the ionospheric perturbation caused by a space shoutle launch using a network of ground-based Global Positioning System stations. Geophys. J. Int. 192(3): 1324-1331

Branzanti M, Colosimo G, Crespi M, Mazzoni A (2013) GPS near-real-time coseismic displacements for the Great Tohoku-Oki earthquake. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 10(2): 372-376

Brenot H et al. (2013) Preliminary signs of the initiation of deep convection by GNSS. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13(11): 5425-5449

Cahyadi MN, Heki K (2013) Ionospheric disturbances of the 2007 Bengkulu and the 2005 Nias earthquakes, Sumatra, observed with a regional GPS network. J. Geophys. Res.-Space Phys 118(4): 1777-1787

Cai CS, Gao Y (2013) Modeling and assessment of combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning. GPS Solutions 17(2): 223-236

Cai CS, Gao Y (2013) GLONASS-based precise point positioning and performance analysis. Adv. Space Res. 51(3): 514-524

Cai CS, Liu ZZ, Luo XM (2013) Single-frequency ionosphere-free Precise Point Positioning using combined GPS and GLONASS observations. J. Navig. 66(3): 417-434

Cai CS, liu ZZ, Xia PF, Dai WJ (2013) Cycle slip detection and repair for undifferenced GPS observations under high ionospheric activity. GPS Solutions 17(2): 247-260

Calmant S et al. (2013) Detection of Envisat RA2/ICE-1 retracked radar altimetry bias over the Amazon basin rivers using GPS. Adv. Space Res. 51(8): 1551-1564

Caporali A, Neubauer F, Ostini L, Stangl G, Zuliani D (2013) Modeling surface GPS velocities in the Southern and eastern Alps by finite dislocations at crustal depths. Tectonophysics 590: 136-150

Carrero-Luengo H, Park H, Camps A, Fabra F, Ríus A (2013) GNSS-R derived centimetric sea topography: An airborne experiment demonstration. IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 6(3): 1468-1478

Carrion C, Levinson D (2013) Valuation of travel time reliability from a GPS-based experimental design. Transp. Res. (Part C) 35(SI): 305-323

Cavalie O et al. (2013) Slow slip event in the Mexican subduction zone: Evidence of shallower slip in the Guerrero seismic gap for the 2006 event revealed by the joint inversion of InSAR and GPS data. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 367: 52-60

Cellmer S (2013) Search procedure for improving modified ambiguity function approach. Survey Rev. 47(2): 312-322

Cellmer S, Paziewiski J, Wielgosz P (2013) Fast and precise positioning using mafa method and new GPS and Galileo signals. Acta Geodyn. Geomaterialia. 10(4): 393-400

Cenni N et al. (2013) Present vertical movements in central and northern Italy from GPS data: Possible role of natural and anthropogenic causes. J. Geodynamics 71: 74-85

Cepri MS, Potts LV, Mima JB (2013) High-resolution station-based diurnal ionospheric total electron content (TEC) from dual-frequency GPS observations. Space Weather 11(9): 520-528

Chang TH, Kiang JF (2013) Compact multi-band H-shaped slot antenna. IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 61(8): 4345-4349

Chen JN, Li GP (2013) Diurnal variations of ground-based GPS-PWV under different solar radiation intensity in Chengdu Plain. J. Geodyn. 72: 81-85

Chen JP et al. (2013) Performance of real-time Precise Point Positioning. Mar. Geod. 36(1): 98-108

Chen M, Chen CC (2013) A compact dual-band antenna design. IEEE Anten. Wirel. Propag. Lett. 12: 245-248

Chen Q, van Dam T, Sneeuw N, Collieux X, Weigelt M, Rebischung P (2013) Singular spectrum analysis for modeling seasonal signals from GPS time series. J. Geodyn. 72: 25-35

Chen WT, Qin HL, Li SJ (2013) GPS-based single-epoch attitude determination without prior knowledge of measurement precision. J. Surv. Eng. 139(1): 34-46

Chen X, Dovis F, Peng SL, Morton Y (2013) Comparative study of GPS multipath mitigation methods performance. IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst. 49(3): 1555-1568

Chen XY et al. (2013) Novel hybrid of strong tracking Kalman filter and wavelet neural network for GPS/INS during GPS outages. Measurement 46(10): 3847-3854

Chen YZ, Wu J (2013) Zero-correlation transformation and threshold for efficient GNSS carrier phase ambiguity resolution. J. Geod. 87(10-12): 971-979

Chen X, Morton Y, Dovis F (2013) A computationally efficient iterative MLE for GPS AOA estimation. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 49(4): 2707-2716

Chiang KW, Duong TT, Liao JK (2013) The performance analysis of a real-time integrated INS/GPS vehicle navigation system with abnormal GPS measurements. Sensors 13(8): 10599-10622

Choi BK, Park JU, Roh KM, Lee SJ (2013) Comparison of GPS receiver DCB estimation methods using a GPS network. Earth Planets and Space 65(7): 707-711

Choi K, Lee I (2013) A sequential aerial triangulation algorithm for real-time georeferencing of image sequences acquired by an airborne multi-sensor system. Remote Sens. 5(1): 57-82

Choi KK, Ray J, Griffiths J, Bae TS (2013) Evaluation of GPS orbit prediction strategies for the IGS Ultra-rapid products. GPS Solutions 17(3): 403-412

Choi S, Wang C, Zhang K, Kuleshov Y (2013) GPS sensing of precipitable water vapour during the March 2010 Melbourne storm. Adv. Space Res. 52(9): 1688-1699

Choy S, Zhang SC, Lahaya F, Heroux P (2013) A comparison between GPS-only and combined GPS plus GLONASS Precise Point Positioning. J. Spatial Sci. 58(2): 169-190

Choudhary RK, Rajeev K, Moorthy KK, Sridharan R (2013) Ionospheric impact on the geopotential height profile of the temperature ballon-borne GPS radiosondes? Geophys. Res. Lett. 40(2): 239-244

Chousianitis K, Ganas A, Gianniou M (2013) Kinematic interpretation of present-day crustal deformation in central Greece from continuous GPS measurements. J. Geodynamics 71: 1-13

Chung SM, Lee SM, Nah JW, Park JT (2013) Localization of Wi-Fi access point using smart phone's GPS information. IEICE Trans. Comm. E96B(1): 305-308

Collilieux X, Schmid R (2013) Evaluation of the ITRF2008 GPS vertical velocities using satellite antenna z-offsets. GPS Solutions 17(2): 237-246

Colombelli S, Allen RM, Zollo A (2013) positioning. J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth 118(7): 3448-3461

Coster A, Williams J, Weatherwax A, Rideout W, Herne D (2013) Accuracy of GPS total electron content: GPS receiver bias temperature dependence. Radio Sci. 48(2): 190-196

Crowell BW, Bock Y, Sandwell DT, Fialko Y (2013) Geodetic investigation into the deformation of the Salton Trough. J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth 118(9): 5030-5039

Crowell BW, Melgar D, Bock Y, Haase JS, Geng JH (2013) Earthquake magnitude scaling using seismogeodetic data. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40(23): 6089-6094

Cucurull L, Derber JC, Purser RJ (2013) A bending angle forward operator for global positioning system radio occultation measurements. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres 118(1): 14-28

Cui J, Kouguchi N (2013) Bistatic ocean wave remote sensing system. IEICE Trans. Comm. E96B(6): 1625-1632

Dagefu FT, Oh J, Sarabandi K (2013) A sub-wavelength RF source tracking system for GPS-denied environments. IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 61(4): 2252-2262

D'Amico S, Ardaens JS, De Florio S (2013) Autonomous formation flying based on GPS - PRISMA flight results. Acta Astronautica 82(1): 69-79

Daneshmand S, Broumandan A, Nielsen J, Lachapelle G (2013) Interference and multipath mitigation utilizing a two-stage beamformer for global navigation satellite systems. IET Radar Sonar Navig. 7(1): 55-66

Danezis C, Gikas V (2013) An iterative LiDAR DEM-aided algorithm for GNSS positioning in obstructed/rapidly undulating environments. Adv. Space Res. 52(5): 865-878

Dawidowicz K (2013) Impact of different GNSS antenna calibration models on height determination in the ASG-EUPOS network: a case study. Survey Rev. 45(332): 386-394

Dean RG, Houston JR (2013) Recent sea level trends and accelerations: Comparison of tide gauge and satellite results. Coastal Eng. 75: 4-9

Deng DC, Huang J, Liu WF, Xu J, Huang LF (2013) GPS scintillation and TEC depletion near the northern crest of equatorial anomaly over South China. Adv. Space Res. 51(3): 356-365

Deng HW, Zhao YJ, Fu F, Zhou XJ, Liu YY (2013) Compact and high isolation microstrip diplexer for GPS and UWB application. Electron. Lett. 49(10): 659-660

Deng XS, Hua XH, You YS (2013) Transfer of height datum across seas using GPS levelling, gravimetric geoid and corrections based on a polynomial surface. Comp. & Geosci. 51: 135-142

Deng ZG, Schon S, Zhang HP, Bender M, Wickert J (2013) Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTID) modeling using a dense German GPS network. Adv. Space Res. 51(6): 1001-1007

Deo MN, Govind R, El-Mowafy A (2013) The stability of tide gauges in the South Pacific determined from multiepoch geodetic levelling, 1992 to 2010. Mar. Geod. 36(3): 261-284

Deprez A, Doubre C, Masson F, Ulrich P (2013) Seismic and aseismic deformation along the East African Rift System from a reanalysis of the GPS velocity field of Africa. Geophys. J. Int. 193(3): 1353-1369

Deviren MN, Arikan F, Arikan O (2013) Spatio-temporal interpolation of total electron content using a GPS network. Radio Sci. 48(3): 302-309

Ding YR, Hsiao FB (2013) Application of a single-antenna GPS-based altitude estimation on the stability control of a small unmanned aerial vehicle. J. Aerosp. Eng. 26(4): 768-785

Dogan U, Oz D, Ergintav S (2013) Kinematics of landslide estimated by repeated GPS measurements in the Aveilar region of Istanbul, Turkey. Studia Geophys. Geod. 57(2): 217-232

Dousa J, Bennitt GV (2013) Estimation and evaluation of hourly updated global GPS zenith total delays over ten months. GPS Solutions 17(4): 453-464

Einabwy MT, Kaloop MR, Elbeltagi E (2013) Talkha steel highway bridge monitoring and movement identification using RTK-GPS technique. Measurement 46(10): 4282-4292

Einicke GA, Falco G, Malos JT (2013) Bounded constrained filtering for GPS/INS integration. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 58(1): 125-133

Elango VV, Khoeini S, Xu YZ, Guensier R (2013) Longitudinal Global Positioning System travel data and breach of privacy via enhanced spatial and demographic analysis. Transp. Res. Record 2354: 86-98

Eling C, Zeimetz P, Kuhlmann H (2013) Development of an instantaneous GNSS/MEMS attitude determination system. GPS Solutions 17(1): 129-138

Emardson R, Jarlemark P, Johansson J, Schafer S (2013) Spatial variability in the ionosphere measured with GNSS networks. Radio Sci. 48(5): 646-652

Fang JC, Han XY (2013) In-flight alignment algorithm based on ADD2 for airborne POS. J. Navig. 66(2): 209-225

Feng GP, Jin S, Zhang T (2013) Coastal sea level changes in Europe from GPS, tide gauge, satellite altimetry and GRACE, 1993-2011. Adv. Space Res. 51(6): 1019-1028

Feng T, Timmermans HJP (2013) Transportation mode recognition using GPS and accelerometer. Transp. Res. Record (Part c) 37: 118-130

Fernandes MJ, Pires N, Lazaro C, Nunes AL (2013) Tropospheric delay from GNSS for application in coastal altimetry. Adv. Space Res. 51(8): 1352-1368

Fielding EJ, Lundgren PR, Taymaz T, Yolsal-Cevikbilen S, Owen SE (2013) Fault-slip source models for the 2011 M 7.1 earthquake in Turkey from SAR interferometry, pixel offset tracking, GPS, and seismic waves. Seism. Res. Lett. 84(4): 579-593

Filjar R, Kos S, Krajnovic S (2013) Dst index as a potential indicator of approaching GNSS performance deterioration. J. Navig. 66(1): 149-160

Forte B et al. (2013) Comparison of temporal fluctuations in the total electron content estimation from EISCAT and GPS along the same line of sight. Ann. Geophysicae 31(4): 745-753

Fountas S et al. (2013) A five-point penetrometer with GPS for measuring soil compactation variability. Comput. Electron. Agric. 96: 109-116

Frankel A (2013) Rupture history of the 2011 M 9 Tohoku Japan earthquake detrmined from strong-motion and high-rate GPS recordings: Subevents radiating energy in different frequency bands. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 103(2B): 1290-1306

Fu YN, Argus DF, Freymueller JT, Heflin MB (2013) Horizontal motion in elastic response to seasonal loading of rain water in the Amazon Basin and monsoon water in Southeast Asia observed by GPS and inferred from GRACE. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40(23): 6048-6053-1322

Fuchser TD, Ward PW (2013) Request for clarification in the paper: stability analysis of GPS carrier tracking loops by phase margin approach. GPS Solutions 17(2): 312-322

Fuhrmann T et al. (2013) Recent surface displacements in the Upper Rhine Graben - Preliminary results from geodetic networks. Tectonophysics 602(SI): 300-315

Fund F, Perosanz F, Testut L, Loyer S (2013) An integer Precise Point Positioning technique for sea surface observations using a GPS buoy. Adv. Space Res. 51(8): 1311-1322

Gabsatarov YV, Steblov GM, Frolov DI (2013) The new GPS evidence for the region of Bering microplate. Izv. Phys. Solid Earth 49(3): 411-415

Ganas A et al. (2013) GPS-derived estimates of crustal deformation in the central and north Ionian Sea, Greece: 3-yr results from MOANET continuous network data. Res. 67(SI): 62-71

Gao GX et al. (2013) DME/TACAN interference mitigation for GNSS: algorithms and flight test results. GPS Solutions 17(4): 561-573

Gilgien M, Sporri J, Chardonnens J, Kroll J, Muller E (2013) Determination of external forces in Alpine skiin using a differential global navigation satellite system. Sensors 13(8): 9821-9835

Garrido MS, Giménez E, de Lacy MC, Gil AJ (2013) Dense regional active networks and high accuracy positioning services. A case study based on the Andalusian positioning network (Southern Spain). IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 6(6): 2421-2433

Gazeaux J et al. (2013) Detecting offsets in GPS time series: First results from the detection of offsets in GPS experiment. J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth 118(5): 2397-2407

Geiger BC, Vogel C (2013) Influence of Doppler bin width on GPS acqusition probabilities. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 49(4): 2570-2584

Geng JH, Bock Y (2013) Triple-frequency GPS precise point positioning with rapid ambiguity resolution. J. Geod. 87(5): 449-460

Geng JH, Melgar D, Bock Y, Pantoli E, Restrepo J (2013) Recovering coseismic point ground tilts from collocated high-rate GPS accelerometers. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40(19): 5095-5100

Gheethan AA, Herzig PA, Mumcu G (2013) Compact 2 x 2 cuopled double loop GPS antenna array loaded with broadside coupled split ring resonators. IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 61(6): 3000-3008

Ghoddousi-Fard R, Prikryl P, Lahaye F (2013) GPS phase difference variation statistics: A comparison between phase scintillation index and proxy indices. Adv. Space Res. 52(8): 1397-1405

Gikas V, Mpimis A, Androulaki A (2013) Proposal for geoid model evaluation from GNSS-INS/Leveling data: Case study along a railway line in Greece. J. Surv. Eng. 139(2): 95-104

Gleason S (2013) Space-based GNSS scatterometry: Ocean wind sensing using an empirically calibrated model. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 51(9): 4853-4863

Gong Xl, Zhang R, Fang JC (2013) Application of unscented R-T-S smoothing on INS/GPS integration system post processing for airborne earth observation. Measurement 46(3): 1074-1083

Goudazi MA, Cocard M, Santerre R, Woldai T (2013) GPS interactive time series analysis software. GPS Solutions 17(4): 595-603

Granat R et al. (2013) Statistical approaches to detecting transient signals in GPS: Results from the 2009-2011 transient detection exercise. Seism. Res. Lett. 84(3): 444-454

Grapenthin R, Freymueller J, Kaufman AM (2013) Geodetic observations during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt volcano, Alaska. J. Volcanol. Geotherm.Res. 259(SI): 115-132

Grapentin R, Freymueller JT, Serovetnikov SS (2013) Surface deformation of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, recorded by GPS: The eruptions from 2005 to 2010 and long-term, long-wavelength subsidence. J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res. 263: 58-74

Griffiths J, Ray JR (2013) Sub-daily alias and draconitic errors in the IGS orbits. GPS Solutions 17(3): 413-422

Gokhberg MB, Ol'shanskaya EV, Steblov GM, Shalimov SL (2013) The Chelyabinsk meteorite: Ionospheric response based on GPS measurements. Dokl. Earth Sci. 451(1): 948-952

Gulal E, Erdogan H, Tiryakioglu I (2013) Research on the stability analysis of GNSS reference stations network by time series analysis. Digital Signal Proces. 23(6): 1945-1957

Guo AZ et al. (2013) Observation of core phase ScS from the M-w 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake with high-rate GPS. Seism. Res. Lett. 84(4): 594-599

Guo JY, Kong Ql, Qin J, Sun Y (2013) On precise orbit determination of HY-2 with space geodetic techniques. Acta Geophys. 61(3): 752-772

Gupta S, Mumcu G (2013) Dual-band miniature coupled double loop GPS antenna loaded with lumped capacitors and inductive pins. IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 61(6): 2904-2910

Hackl M, Malservisi R, Hugentobler U, Jiang Y (2013) Velocity covariance in the presence of anisotropic time correlated noise and transient events in GPS time series. J. Geodyn. 72: 36-45

Hadachi A, Mousset S, Bensrhair A (2013) Approach to estimate travel time using sparsely sampled GPS data in urban networks. Electron. Lett. 49(15): 957-958

Haines BJ, Desai SD, Born GH (2013) GPS monitoring of vertical seafloor motion at Platform Harvest. Adv. Space Res. 51(8): 1369-1382

Han LY, Hua N (2013) A distributed time synchronization solution without satellite time reference for mobile communication. IEEE Comm. Lett. 17(7): 1447-1450

Harmegnies A, Defraigne P, Petit G (2013) Combining GPS and GLONASS in all-in-view for time transfer. Metrologia 50(3): 277-287

Hasselbarth A, Wanninger L (2013) SBAS orbit and satellite clock corrections for precise point positioning. GPS Solutions 17(4): 465-473

Hauschild A, Montenbruck O, Steigenberger P (2013) Short-term analysis of GNSS clocks. GPS Solutions 17(3): 295-307

He JK, Lu SJ, Wang WM (2013) Three-dimensional mechanical modeling of the GPS velocity field around the nertheastern Tibetan plateau and sorrounding areas. Tectonophysics 584(SI): 257-266

He XF, Le Y, Xian WD (2013) MEMS IMU and two-antenna GPS integration navigation system using interval adaptive Kalman filter. IEEE Aerospace El. Syst. Mag. 28(10): 22-28

He YH, Martin R, Bilgic A (2013) Scalable low complexity GPS and DGPS positioning using approximate QR decomposition. Signal Process. 94: 445-455

Healy SB (2013) Surface pressure information retrieval from GPS radio occultation measurements. Quarterly J. Royal Meteor. Soc. 139(677 2108-2118

Heilmann A, Ferreira LDD, Dartora CA, Nobrega KZ (2013) Antenna radiation effects on the orbits of GPS and INTELSAT satellites. Acta Astronat. 88: 1-7

Hoechner A, Ge M, Babeyko AY, Sobolev SV (2013) Instant tsunami early warning based on real-time GPS - Tohoku 2011 case study. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 13(5): 1285-1292

Hong S, Heo J, Vonderhoe AP (2013) Simulation-based approach for uncertainty assessment: Integrating GPS and GIS. Transp. Res. (Part C) 36: 125-137

Hou ZY, Wang C, Liu JH, Liao HL, Zhang X (2013) A low power triple-mode parallel-processing CMOS receiver for BD-II/GPS/Galileo joint navigation applications. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 55(11): 2616-2620

Hu J, Li ZW, Ding XL, Zhu JJ, Sun Q (2013) Derivation of 3-D coseismic surface displacement fields for the 2011 M-w 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake from InSAR and GPS measurements. Geophys. J. Int. 192(2): 573-585

Huang CY, Teng WH, Ho SP, Kuo YH (2013) Global variation of COSMIC precipitable water over land: Comparisons with ground-based GPS measurements and NCEP reanalysis. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40(10): 5327-5331

Huang G, Zhang Q, Li H, Fu W (2013) Quality variation of GPS satellite clocks on-orbit using IGS clock products. Adv. Space Res. 51(6): 978-987

Humphreys TE (2013) Detection strategy for cryptographic GNSS anti-spoofing. IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst. 49(2): 1073-1090

Hung HK, Rau RJ (2013) Surface waves of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: Observations of Taiwan's dense high-rate GPS network. J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth 118(1): 312-345

Ilvonen J et al. (2013) Extension to characterization model for GPS antenna performance in mobile terminals. Geophys. 12: 1212-1215

Im SB, Hurtebaus S, Kang YJ (2013) Summary review of GPS technology for structural health monitoring. J. Struct. Eng. 139(10): 1653-1664

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A Harris press to the right and the Seybold-Harris guillotine paper cutter to the left. Note the C&GS logo pressmen shirt on the man on the guillotine.