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An example of the met "standard" display format
using the IGS (ESA/ESOC) Maspalomas site.

O mas1  a                                                             80/01/01 00:00  98/03/11 13:29
  Comment: "---                                                         "
         0.0246       215.9972  M2  Principal lunar           12.42 h
         0.0099       238.2755  S2  Principal solar           12.00 h
         0.0047       201.8982  N2  Major lunar elliptic      12.66 h
         0.0028       235.8936  K2  Luni-solar declinational  11.97 h
         0.0015        89.3762  O1  Principal lunar           25.82 h
         0.0026       239.4936  K1  Luni-solar declinational  23.93 h
         0.0007       237.5555  P1  Principal solar           24.07 h
         0.0006        41.7880  Q1  Major lunar elliptic      26.87 h
         0.0000         0.0000  Mf  Lunar fortnightly         13.66 d
         0.0000         0.0000  Mm  Lunar monthly             27.55 d
         0.0000         0.0000  Ssa Solar semiannual          182.62 d

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October 6, 2000
Steve Hilla