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Compute a triple-difference phase solutions for crude but reliable improvements to site coordinates.

The tdsolve program reads the database file (hd,or,dt) created by mergedb and does a Triple Difference solution to improve the coordinates in the .POM files. The user can omit stations from the Triple Difference solution if he wants the coordinates in those .POM files to remain unchanged. The program can do an L1,or ion-free Triple Difference solution. Whatever station is chosen as the "reference station" in tdsolve.inp, that station's coordinates will be used to solve for the coordinates of the other stations (except for the omitted stations). The tdsolve program will iterate until the coordinate shifts fall below the 1 centimeter level. The program creates a tdsolve.sum file that shows the coordinate shifts (adjustments) for each iteration, for each station being solved for. The program reads a control file called tdsolve.inp. An example is given below

aazz00 3 nbs5 2 east west

aazz00 combined database name from mergedb
3 frequency of the triple difference solution
nbs5 name of the reference station (coordinates known)
2 number of stations to omit from the solution (.POMs stay the same)
east first omitted station
west second omitted station

The input and output files used in tdsolve are summarized below:

Input Files:
.POM files
database hd.dat
database or.dat
database dt.dat

Output Files:
update .POM files

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April 10, 1998
Steve Hilla