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list - strip station adjustments from the page summary files

list [option] site file{s}
the optional flags are:
-llh = latitude, longitude and height,
-mon = monument X, Y, Z,
-neu = north, east, up adjustment and
-xyz = X, Y, Z adjustment,
site is the four character site ID, and
file{s} is one or more page summary files.


list strips station coordinate or adjustment values from one or more pages.sum file and prints them to stdout in a form suitable for plotting. In addition, a weighted mean and sigma are computed for this sample and printed to stderr.

list's option flags control the type of information extracted from each file:

A sample of the coordinate/adjustment information is given below. The second line labels each column of information:

2450810.010500  1268587.1967 -4995511.5453  3744508.5605  0.00070 0.00110 0.0008   duck 97 361.51050
 JULIAN DATE           X             Y             Z      X SIG   Y SIG   Z SIG    SITE YR DOY
All values are in meters. This format used for the monument, north/east/up and X/Y/Z adjustment information. The latitude/longitude/height appears like:
2450810.010500  36 10 55.74550  284 14 55.69009  -26.7283 0.00000 0.00002 0.0015   duck 97 361.51050
The latitude are written in degrees, minutes and seconds; their sigmas are in arc seconds. The height and its sigma is in meters.

The summary information uses similar formats and is label so these formats will not be described here. NOTE: the values used to compute the means are weighted by their corresponding sigmas.


Values returned by the program will be shown in fixed width font.
Extract the latitude, longitude and height for the Duck, NC site from December 25 through December 27, 1997.
list -llh duck sum4.97_359 sum4.97_360 sum4.97_361
2450808.003000  36 10 55.74551  284 14 55.69011  -26.7250 0.00000 0.00002 0.0018   duck 97 359.50299
2450808.988500  36 10 55.74549  284 14 55.69011  -26.7269 0.00000 0.00002 0.0014   duck 97 360.48849
2450810.010500  36 10 55.74550  284 14 55.69009  -26.7283 0.00000 0.00002 0.0015   duck 97 361.51050
site    #         lat              lon              hgt    sig l   sig l   sig h
site    #        d  '  "          d  '  "           m      "       "       m
duck    3       36 10 55.74550  284 14 55.69010  -26.7269 0.00001 0.00001 0.0013
================================================================================site    #         lat              lon              hgt    sig l   sig l   sig h
site    #        d                d                 m      m       m       m    
duck    3       36.18215152789  284.24880280623  -26.7269 0.00029 0.00028 0.0013

Extract the monument X, Y and Z for the Duck, NC site for this same period.
list -mon duck sum4.97_359 sum4.97_360 sum4.97_361
2450808.003000  1268587.1979 -4995511.5476  3744508.5627  0.00080 0.00140 0.0010   duck 97 359.50299
2450808.988500  1268587.1976 -4995511.5465  3744508.5610  0.00070 0.00110 0.0008   duck 97 360.48849
2450810.010500  1268587.1967 -4995511.5453  3744508.5605  0.00070 0.00110 0.0008   duck 97 361.51050
site    #         mon X         mon Y         mon Z        sig X   sig Y   sig Z
duck    3       1268587.1974 -4995511.5463  3744508.5612  0.00051 0.00089 0.0009

Extract the north/east/up estimated adjustments to the coordinates for the Duck, NC site for this same period.
list -neu duck sum4.97_359 sum4.97_360 sum4.97_361
2450808.003000        0.0034       -0.0032       -0.0032  0.00010 0.00050 0.0018   duck 97 359.50299
2450808.988500        0.0026       -0.0031       -0.0051  0.00010 0.00040 0.0014   duck 97 360.48849
2450810.010500        0.0031       -0.0037       -0.0066  0.00010 0.00040 0.0015   duck 97 361.51050
site    #             N             E             U        sig N   sig E   sig U
duck    3             0.0030       -0.0034       -0.0052  0.00033 0.00027 0.0013

Extract the monument X, Y and Z for the Duck, NC site for this same period.
list -xyz duck sum4.97_359 sum4.97_360 sum4.97_361
2450808.003000       -0.0042        0.0036        0.0009  0.00080 0.00140 0.0010   duck 97 359.50299
2450808.988500       -0.0044        0.0047       -0.0009  0.00070 0.00110 0.0008   duck 97 360.48849
2450810.010500       -0.0053        0.0060       -0.0014  0.00070 0.00110 0.0008   duck 97 361.51050
site    #             X             Y             Z        sig X   sig Y   sig Z
duck    3            -0.0047        0.0049       -0.0007  0.00048 0.00094 0.0009

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January 14, 2000
Steve Hilla