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combprn - Combines Single Baseline Scenario Files Into A page Input File

combprn {-dfhpruvw} file(s)
-d = run control [0 = all; 1 = a priori only; ...],
-f = observable type [0 = 3 = ion-free; 1 = L1 only only; ...],
-h = help message,
-p = input, a priori ephemeris,
-r = tropo parameters,
-u = satellite parameter estimation on,
-v = station velocity parameter estimation on,
-w = output, adjusted ephemeris.


refprn creates a file for each designated pair of stations containing optimal reference satellite scenarios. It is left to the user to combine the individual files into an input file instructing page how to process the entire network. combprn is a tool specifically designed for this task. In doing this, combprn will:
  1. create a single estimation parameter section.
    To do this, combprn will scan all input files and
    1. include all possible satellites even if individual baselines do not use all sallites,
    2. include all possible stations,
    3. use start and stop times such that all data are processed.
  2. include the reference satellite scenarios and other database instructions for all baselines.
The combined page input file is written to stdout.


Values returned by the program will be shown in fixed width font.
Combine all refprn scenario files into a page input file.
combprn -d 0 -f 3 -p igs09330.sp3 -w none *.prn > pages.inp

The same example as above but instruct page to do an "L1 only" solution.
combprn -d 0 -f 1 -p igs09330.sp3 -w none *.prn > pages.inp

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January 14, 2000
Steve Hilla