C++ and Java Code for Geodesic and Meridian Arc Computations -- by Klaus Hehl

The technical paper which describes this code is published in  
GPS Solutions, Volume 9, Number 1, 2005, pp 51-58, "C++ and Java code for recursion formulas in mathematical geodesy"  
by Klaus Hehl, University of Applied Sciences (TFH), Berlin, Germany.  
The central part of this paper is the publication of C++ and Java code for the solution of a number of basic tasks related to the geodesic/meridian arc in mathematical geodesy. The author provides an introduction to a recursive formulation of the series expansions of the underlying integrals. Recursive formulation has the advantage that simple relationships are identical for all orders and thus can easily be programmed. The presented C++ code examples, together with the discussions of the algorithms used, can be easily transferred to other programming languages.  

Program to test classes (Demo.java)

Recursive computation of Meridian Arcs (MB.java)

Recursive computation of Geodesics (GL.java)

Handles angles in various units (Angle.java)

Handles various geodetic ellipsoids (Ellipsoid.java)

Complex number class (Complex.java)

Handles exceptions thrown by other classes (Msg.java)

Compute direct/inverse geodesic problem (GLclass.cpp)

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