EPC: Matlab software to estimate Euler pole parameters -- by Mohammad Ali Goudarzi, Marc Cocard, and Rock Santerre

The technical paper which describes this code is published in  
GPS Solutions, Volume 18, Number 1 (published online: 22 November 2013), DOI: 10.1007/s10291-013-0354-4,  
"EPC: Matlab software to estimate Euler pole parameters"  
by Mohammad Ali Goudarzi, Marc Cocard, and Rock Santerre  
Department of Geomatics Sciences, Laval University, Louis-Jacques-Casault Building, Quebec, QC G1V 0A6, Canada  
The estimation of Euler pole parameters has always been an important issue in global tectonics and geodynamics studies. In addition, the increasing number of permanent GPS stations and the ease of access to their data, along with advances in computers, promise new methods and tools for the estimation and the quantitative analysis of Euler pole parameters. Therefore, we developed the Euler pole calculator software using a set of mathematical algorithms based on the model of tectonic plate motion on a spherical surface. The software is able to calculate the expected velocities for any points located on the earth’s surface given the relevant Euler pole parameters and to estimate the Euler pole parameters given the observed velocities of a set of sites located on the same tectonic plate. Mathematical algorithms and functions of the software are explained in detail.  
The MATLAB code (and sample data files) are available within the following *.zip file:  

Zip file with Matlab source code (epc.zip)


Please also check http://sourceforge.net/projects/epcalc/ for updates.

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