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Creating A Work Area


run_survey expects a specific directory structure, or tree. Although the general structure is fixed, the name of the base of that tree is input by the user via the command line; therefore the base of the processing tree can originate anywhere. The directory or directories where the actual processing will occur, or working directories, are named yr_doy, where yr is the two digit year when the data were taken and, separated by an underscore, doy is the three digit day-of-year. The files directory stores files common to all processing for this project. This directory structure has proven to be self-descriptive, simplify archiving, and help prevent contamination of one project's processing with another's. The figure below shows the generic structure of this tree:

             yr_dy1    yr_dy2    yr_dy3           files
             ------    ------    ------           -----
                 \          \       |              /
                  \ _________\______|_____________/

where yr_dy1 , yr_dy2 and yr_dy3 are directories where processing of data from individual session (days, occupations, etc.) will occur. As shown above, there may be one or may working directories. files is a special subdirectory where files specific to these data are kept. The intent is to force the user to group related data processing together under a meaningfully named directory.


The tutorial consists of processing a single day's data: December 25, 1996 or 96/360. To setup the processing directory, first change to the directory where this tree will be created. In this example, it is assumed that this will be your home directory, but remember that this could any location where directories can be created.
cd ~
Now create the base of the processing tree.
mkdir Tutorial
cd Tutorial
Next, create the working and files directories.
mkdir 96_360
mkdir files
Now change to the files directory and copy some standard/required files to that location. The files were part of the software distribution as part of the files.tgz file. Once reconstituted, they appear in the Files directory. This example assumes the Files directory was restored in the user's home directory. If this is not the case, make the appropriate substitution.
cd files
cp ~/Files/ant_info.002 .
cp ~/Files/editdb.par .
Additional files will be created and stored, or added to this directory in later step. For now, go back down to the base of the processing tree.
cd ..


The ant_info.002 file, or antenna file, contains standard models for correcting elevation dependent variability in the location of the phase center of a GPS antenna. Links describing this research efforts in measuring antenna patterns appear in the References.

editdb.par contains standard parameters settings for the automatic editing of data. Descriptions of these parameters occur in editdb.

The dirctory should now look like:

            96_360         files
            ------         -----

96_360 is currently empty.

files contains ant_info.002 and editdb.par.

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March 4, 1999
Steve Hilla