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The Initial Conditions File

arc input specifying satellite initial conditions at a specific epoch


The initial conditions file, or g_file as it has been known historically, specifies the satellites' coordinates, velocities and radiation pressure scaling factors at a specific epoch. This set of parameters uniquely defines a satellite's orbit (given the models used in arc) and are equivalent to the keplarian orbital elements. Of course, perturbational forces, e.g. radiation pressure, gravitation attraction of the Moon, and others, modify the orbit so the exact epoch of the initial conditions and models selected to represent those forces are important and emphasized in this discussion. Given that this set of parameters completely defines a satellite's state (i.e. position at any epoch, velocity, energy, etc.) these parameters are often referred as the satellite's state vector. arc, expects these state vectors to be in the inertial frame in which it performs its calculations.

The g_file name is read from arc.inp, can be upper or lower case, but is limited to sixteen characters. This is an ASCII file and easily modified with an editor. The g_file file contains:

  1. a descriptive block and
  2. the satellite state vectors.
Although it was made more flexible, arc remains fairly rigid in reading this file. Some general rules and recommendations for entering this information are given here:

The Descriptive Block

The g_file begins with information about the state vectors which follow. This block is terminated by a line beginning with the word "END". The first two lines are required and read in a fixed format. Subsequent lines are purely comment lines and ignored by arc.
  • The next line names the components of the state vectors to follow. There is a one-to-one correspondence with the radiation pressure model specified in the arc.inp file. A mismatch of this list and the radiation pressure model will result in a fatal error. The format for reading this line is:
    (i2, 16(1x, a4))
  • All subsequent lines until the first END line are purely comments and ignored by the program. Some suggestions information to include in these comments are the creation time of the file, the name of the program which generated the file, and the sources of the initial conditions.
  • This block is terminated by a line starting with the word END.

    The Satellite State Vectors

    Each state vector begins with a line containing the satellite's ID, then the state vector components are given, one per line, in the order specified in the descriptive block. Although the order of the components of the vector is fixed, the order of the satellites included in the file is arbitrary.


    97 170 11 59 49                     UTC                B1950 IAU68
    arcic(9703.01) generated on 08/29/97 09:13
    01, 02, 03, from igs09104.sp3

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    January 14, 2000
    Steve Hilla