#pragma hdrstop #include // this includes iostream.h #include #include #include "datetime.h" #include "rinex.h" #include "intrpSP3.h" #include "consts.h" #include "physcon.h" using std::string; using namespace NGSdatetime; using namespace NGSrinex; void llh2xyz(double a, double finverse, double lat, double lon, double h, double *x, double *y, double *z); void xyz2llh(double a, double finverse, double x, double y, double z, double *lat, double *lon, double *h); double dot( int n, double a[], double b[]); int bccalc( double tsubr, int isv, double recf[3], double vecf[3]); int bcorb( double tc, int isv, double recf[4], double vecf[3] ); int bcread(RinexNavFile &navFile, ofstream &out ); string padZeros( int a ); const int MAXSVS = 36; const int MAXUNK = 28; const int MAXEPOCH = 50; // PRN blocks per file, was 160 double xco[MAXSVS][MAXUNK][MAXEPOCH]; int nxco[MAXSVS]; int jxco; long cuml_bad_blocks[MAXSVS]; double bcpos[4], bcvel[3]; double t_r; int BRprns[ MAXSVS ]; #pragma argsused int main( ) { int i, j,ierr, prnNum; double jpi = 4.0*atan(1.0); SP3File mysp3; double tt; double lat, lon , h; double pvVec[10]; double svpos[10]; double n[3], e[3], u[3], rho[3], len, zenithAng, tmpe, tmpn, azim, elvAng; double xsta[3]; string orbfile, outfile, stemp, rinfile; YMDHMS ymdhms; double tmp1, tmp2,sz; double xmap,ymap; double r[20]; YMDHMS prevYmdhms; double year1, mon1, day1, hr1, min1, sec1; double year2, mon2, day2, hr2, min2, sec2; DateTime startTime; DateTime endTime; DateTime currEpoch; bool broadcastExist = false; double cutoffAngle; double arrowsx[40][2]; double arrowsy[40][2]; string tString; long index; GPSTime gpsTime; double htt; double oneMinute = 5/60./24.; int icnt = 0; double dist3d; bool LLHsupplied; double xtmp, ytmp, ztmp; for (i=0; i < 40; i++ ) { arrowsx[i][0] = -9999.0; arrowsx[i][1] = -9999.0; arrowsy[i][0] = -9999.0; arrowsy[i][1] = -9999.0; } for (i=1; i < MAXSVS; i++ ) { BRprns[i] = i; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // open log file // ------------------------------------------------------ ofstream out("skyplot.log"); if ( !out ) { cerr << "Error opening skyplot.out ! " << endl; return -1; } out.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield ); ifstream inp("skyplot.inp"); if ( !inp ) { cerr << "Error opening skyplot.inp ! " << endl; out << "Error opening skyplot.inp ! " << endl << endl; out << "\n\nABNORMAL Termination " << endl; out.close(); return -1; } inp >> year1 >> mon1 >> day1 >> hr1 >> min1 >> sec1; inp >> year2 >> mon2 >> day2 >> hr2 >> min2 >> sec2; inp >> orbfile; inp >> stemp >> xsta[0] >> xsta[1] >> xsta[2] ; inp >> cutoffAngle; inp.close(); out << "Input file: " << endl; out.precision(0); out << year1 << " " << mon1 << " " << day1 << " " << hr1 << " " << min1 << " " << sec1 << endl; out << year2 << " " << mon2 << " " << day2 << " " << hr2 << " " << min2 << " " << sec2 << endl; out << orbfile << endl; out.precision(3); out << stemp << " " << xsta[0] << " " << xsta[1] << " " << xsta[2] << " " << endl; out << cutoffAngle << endl; dist3d = sqrt( xsta[0]*xsta[0] + xsta[1]*xsta[1] + xsta[2]*xsta[2] ); if ( dist3d >= 6300000.0 ) { // xyz given as input xyz2llh(6378137.0, 298.257223563, xsta[0], xsta[1], xsta[2], &lat, &lon, &htt); out << "\n\nuser supplied XYZ " << endl; LLHsupplied = false; } else { // llh given as input lat = xsta[0] * jpi/180.0; lon = xsta[1] * jpi/180.0; htt = xsta[2]; out << "\n\nuser supplied LLH " << endl; LLHsupplied = true; } out.precision( 7 ); // out << "LLH: " << lat << " " << lon << " " << htt << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------ // create title for GMT // ------------------------------------------------------ ofstream outtt("title.txt"); if ( !outtt ) { cerr << "Error opening title.txt ! " << endl; return -1; } outtt.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outtt << setw(2) << setprecision(0); outtt << "0 2.2 14 0 0 CM " << stemp << endl; outtt << "0 2.1 10 0 0 CM Lat: " << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << lat * 180.0 /jpi << "\312 Lon: " << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << lon * 180.0 /jpi << "\312 Ell Ht: " << setw(10) << setprecision(1) << htt << " (m) " << endl; outtt << "0 2.0 10 0 0 CM GPS Time: Start " << setw(2) << setprecision(0) << year1 << "/" << padZeros(mon1) << "/" << padZeros(day1) << " " << padZeros(hr1) << ":" << padZeros(min1) << ":" << padZeros(sec1) << " Stop " << year2 << "/" << padZeros(mon2) << "/" << padZeros(day2) << " " << padZeros(hr2) << ":" << padZeros(min2) << ":" << padZeros(sec2) << endl; outtt.close(); // ------------------------------------------------------ // open the DOS batch file // ------------------------------------------------------ ofstream outbat("skyplot.bat"); if ( !outbat ) { cerr << "Error opening sky.bat ! " << endl; return -1; } outbat << "echo off " << endl; outbat << "psxy elevRings.dat -R-1.6/1.6/-1.6/1.6 -JX7.0 -W1.0p/0/0/0 -G230 -V -M -K -P -X0.75 -Y1.0 > skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "psxy cutoffRing.dat -R -JX -W0.2t4_8:0p -G255 -V -M -O -K -P >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "psxy elevRings.dat -R -JX -W1.0p/0/0/0 -V -M -O -K -P >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "psxy elevRings.dat -R -JX -W0.5p/255/255/255 -V -M -O -K -P >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "pstext title.txt -R -JX -N -V -O -K -P >> skyplot.ps " << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------ // broadcast or precise? // ------------------------------------------------------ ifstream inp2( orbfile.c_str() ); if ( !inp2 ) { cerr << "Warning: " << orbfile << " does not exist " << endl; inp2.close(); exit(0); } else { getline( inp2, tString ); index = tString.find( "NAVIGATION" ); if ( 0 < index && index < 80 ) { out << "\n\nUsing broadcast file " << orbfile << endl; broadcastExist = true; RinexNavFile mynav; try{ mynav.setPathFilenameMode( orbfile, ios_base::in); } catch( RinexFileException &openExcep ) { cout << "Error opening file: " << orbfile << endl; cout << "Rinex File Exception is: " << endl << openExcep.getMessage() << endl; cout << endl << "Error Messages for " << orbfile << " :" << endl << mynav.getErrorMessages() << endl << endl; cout << endl << "Format Warnings for " << orbfile << " :" << endl << mynav.getWarningMessages() << endl << endl << endl; cout << "Terminating program POINT due to an error." << endl; } //cout << endl << "NV::Header for RINEX NAV file: " << orbfile << endl; try{ bcread(mynav, out); } catch( RequiredRecordMissingException &headerExcep ) { cout << "RequiredRecordMissingException is: " << endl << headerExcep.getMessage() << endl; cout << endl << "Error Messages for " << orbfile << " :" << endl << mynav.getErrorMessages() << endl << endl; cout << endl << "Format Warnings for " << orbfile << " :" << endl << mynav.getWarningMessages() << endl << endl << endl; cout << "Terminating program POINT due to an error." << endl; } } else { cout << "\n\nUsing sp3 file " << orbfile << endl; mysp3.setPathFilenameMode(orbfile.c_str(),ios_base::in); mysp3.readHeader(); } } inp2.close(); startTime = DateTime( year1, mon1, day1, hr1, min1, sec1 ); endTime = DateTime( year2, mon2, day2, hr2, min2, sec2 ); if ( ! LLHsupplied ) { xyz2llh(AE84, FLATINV84, xsta[0], xsta[1], xsta[2], &lat, &lon, &h); } else { llh2xyz(AE84, FLATINV84, lat, lon, htt, &xtmp, &ytmp, &ztmp); xsta[0] = xtmp; xsta[1] = ytmp; xsta[2] = ztmp; } n[0] = -sin(lat) * cos(lon); n[1] = -sin(lat) * sin(lon); n[2] = cos(lat); e[0] = -sin(lon); e[1] = cos(lon); e[2] = 0.0; u[0] = cos(lat) * cos(lon); u[1] = cos(lat) * sin(lon); u[2] = sin(lat); cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); // ------------------------------------------------------ // create input files for GMT // ------------------------------------------------------ system(" del *.sat.xy arrows.xy elevRings.dat ring.txt nesw.txt skyplot.ps .gmt* 2> del.me"); ofstream satcoords; ofstream hourstamps( "hr.txt" ); if ( ! hourstamps ) { cout << "ERROR: cant open hr.txt " << endl; exit(0); } ofstream hourdots( "hr.xy" ); if ( ! hourdots ) { cout << "ERROR: cant open hr.xy " << endl; exit(0); } ofstream azelOut( "skyplot.AzEl" ); if ( ! azelOut ) { cout << "ERROR: cant open skyplot.AzEl " << endl; exit(0); } azelOut.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield ); // loop over time for ( currEpoch = startTime; currEpoch <= endTime; currEpoch = (currEpoch + oneMinute) ){ icnt++; // integral hour required for plotting ymdhms = currEpoch.GetYMDHMS(); if ( ymdhms.hour != prevYmdhms.hour && icnt > 1 ) { currEpoch = DateTime( ymdhms.year, ymdhms.month, ymdhms.day, ymdhms.hour, 0, 0.00000001 ); ymdhms = currEpoch.GetYMDHMS(); } gpsTime = currEpoch.GetGPSTime(); t_r = gpsTime.secsOfWeek; // this is the given receipt time (dt) // loop over all satellites for ( i=1; i < MAXSVS; i++ ) { prnNum = i; if ( broadcastExist ) { ierr = bcorb( t_r, i, bcpos, bcvel); //BR if ( fabs( bcpos[0] ) < 1.0e-8 ) { ierr = 1; } else { svpos[0] = bcpos[0]; svpos[1] = bcpos[1]; svpos[2] = bcpos[2]; //cout << i << " " << svpos[0] << " " << svpos[1] << " " // << svpos[2] << endl; } } else { ierr = (int) mysp3.getSVPosVel( currEpoch, ( unsigned short) prnNum , pvVec); svpos[0] = pvVec[0] * 1000.0; svpos[1] = pvVec[1] * 1000.0; svpos[2] = pvVec[2] * 1000.0; } if ( ierr == 0 ) { // pg 148 hoffman-wellenhoff for (j=0; j < 3; j++ ) { rho[j] = svpos[j] - xsta[j]; } len = 0.0; for (j=0; j < 3; j++ ) { len += ( rho[j] * rho[j] ); } len = sqrt(len); for (j=0; j < 3; j++ ) { rho[j] /= len; } zenithAng = acos( dot( 3, rho, u) ); tmp1 = dot( 3, rho, e); sz = sin(zenithAng); tmpe = tmp1 / sz ; tmp2 = dot( 3, rho, n); tmpn = tmp2 / sz ; azim = atan2( tmpe, tmpn); if ( azim < 0.0 ) azim += (2.0*jpi); elvAng = jpi/2.0 - zenithAng; if ( elvAng * 180.0/jpi > cutoffAngle ) { // compute map coords for satellite xmap = ( jpi / 2.0 - elvAng) * sin( azim ); ymap = ( jpi / 2.0 - elvAng) * cos( azim ); tt = (ymdhms.hour + ymdhms.min / 60.0 + ymdhms.sec/ 3600.0); azelOut << setw(10) << setprecision(6) << tt << setw(4) << setprecision(0) << prnNum << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (azim * 180.0/jpi) << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (elvAng * 180.0/jpi) << //setw(18) << setprecision(13) << xmap << //setw(18) << setprecision(13) << ymap << endl ; ostringstream fname; fname << prnNum << ".sat.xy"; satcoords.open( fname.str().c_str() , ios::app); satcoords << xmap << " " << ymap << endl; satcoords.close(); if ( tt - (double)( (int) tt ) < 1.0e-6 && ymdhms.min != 59 && ymdhms.sec != 60.000 ) { /* cout << "hourstamp " << tt << " " << currEpoch << " " << ymdhms.hour << endl; */ hourstamps << (xmap+0.02) << " " << ymap << " 6 0 0 ML " << (int) ymdhms.hour << "h" << endl; hourdots << xmap << " " << ymap << endl; } // save arrow info arrowsx[ prnNum ][0] = arrowsx[ prnNum ][1]; arrowsx[ prnNum ][1] = xmap ; arrowsy[ prnNum ][0] = arrowsy[ prnNum ][1]; arrowsy[ prnNum ][1] = ymap ; } // end if } } // end loop over satellites prevYmdhms = ymdhms; } // end loop over time hourstamps.close(); hourdots.close(); azelOut.close(); out << "\n\nFinished writing azimuth/elevation " << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------ // create arrow input files for GMT // ------------------------------------------------------ // arrow data ofstream arrowsf( "arrows.xy" ); if ( ! arrowsf ) { cout << "ERROR: cant open arrows.xy " << endl; exit(0); } double rad = 0.1; double dx,dy,az; int acount = 0; for (i=0; i < 40 ; i++ ) { if ( arrowsx[i][0] != -9999.0 && arrowsx[i][1] != -9999.0 && arrowsy[i][0] != -9999.0 && arrowsy[i][1] != -9999.0 ) { acount++; dx = arrowsx[i][1] - arrowsx[i][0]; dy = arrowsy[i][1] - arrowsy[i][0]; az = atan2( dx,dy); dx = rad * sin( az ); dy = rad * cos( az ); arrowsf << arrowsx[i][1] << " " << arrowsy[i][1] << " " << dx << " " << dy << " 0 0 0 " << i << endl; outbat << "psxy " << i << ".sat.xy -R -JX -W0.75p/0 -V -P -O -K >> skyplot.ps" << endl; } } arrowsf.close(); // ------------------------------------------------------ // create elevation ring nput files for GMT // ------------------------------------------------------ ofstream outf("elevRings.dat"); if ( !outf ) { cerr << "Error opening elevRings.dat ! " << endl; return -1; } ofstream outCut("cutoffRing.dat"); if ( !outCut ) { cerr << "Error opening cutOffRing.dat ! " << endl; return -1; } outf.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield ); outCut.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield ); r[0] = jpi/2.0 - 0. *jpi / 180.0; r[1] = jpi/2.0 - 30. *jpi / 180.0; r[2] = jpi/2.0 - 60. *jpi / 180.0; r[3] = jpi/2.0 - cutoffAngle *jpi / 180.0; // nominal rings for ( j=0; j<3; j++ ) { outf << ">" << endl; for ( i=0; i <= 360; i += 1 ) { xmap = r[j] * cos( i * jpi/ 180.0 ); ymap = r[j] * sin( i * jpi/ 180.0 ); outf << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << xmap << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << ymap << endl; } } // cutoff rings j = 3; outf << ">" << endl; for ( i=0; i <= 360; i += 1 ) { xmap = r[j] * cos( i * jpi/ 180.0 ); ymap = r[j] * sin( i * jpi/ 180.0 ); outCut << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << xmap << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << ymap << endl; } outf.close(); outCut.close(); ofstream outcross("cross.txt"); if ( !outcross ) { cerr << "Error opening cross.txt ! " << endl; return -1; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // create input files for GMT // ------------------------------------------------------ // nesw cross outcross << ">" << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << ( 120 * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << 0 << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << ( -120 * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << 0 << endl; outcross << ">" << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << 0 << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << ( 120 * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << 0 << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << ( -120 * jpi/180.0) << endl; // nw/sw double rtemp = 92.0; double qtemp = 88.0; outcross << ">" << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << sin(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << cos(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << ">" << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -sin(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -cos(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << ">" << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -sin(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << cos(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << ">" << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << sin(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << setw(18) << setprecision(8) << -cos(jpi/4.0)*( qtemp * jpi/180.0) << endl; outcross.close(); // ------------------------------------------------------ // create input files for GMT // ------------------------------------------------------ // ring labels ofstream outring("ring.txt"); if ( !outring ) { cerr << "Error opening ring.txt ! " << endl; return -1; } double x,y; y = 0; x = jpi / 2.0 - 0.0; // \312 make the degree symbol outring << x << " " << y << " 8 0 0 CM 0\312" << endl;; x = jpi / 2.0 - 30.0 * jpi/ 180.0; outring << x << " " << y << " 8 0 0 CM 30\312" << endl;; x = jpi / 2.0 - 60.0 * jpi/ 180.0; outring << x << " " << y << " 8 0 0 CM 60\312" << endl;; x = jpi / 2.0 - 90.0 * jpi/ 180.0; outring << x << " " << y << " 8 0 0 CM 90\312" << endl;; x = jpi / 2.0 - cutoffAngle * jpi/ 180.0; outring << -x << " " << y << " 8 0 0 CM " << cutoffAngle << "\312" << endl;; outring.close(); // NESW labels ofstream nesw("nesw.txt"); if ( !nesw ) { cerr << "Error opening nesw.txt ! " << endl; return -1; } y = 15 * 3.1415/180; nesw << 0 << " " << 100 * 3.1415/180 << " 10 0 0 CM N" << endl; nesw << 0 << " " << -100 * 3.1415/180 << " 10 0 0 CM S" << endl; nesw << -100 * 3.1415/180 << " " << 0 << " 10 0 0 CM W" << endl; nesw << 100 * 3.1415/180 << " " << 0 << " 10 0 0 CM E" << endl; rtemp += 4.0; x = sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; y = cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; nesw << x << " " << y << " 10 0 0 CM 45\312" << endl; x = sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; y = -cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; nesw << x << " " << y << " 10 0 0 CM 135\312" << endl; x = -sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; y = -cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; nesw << x << " " << y << " 10 0 0 CM 225\312" << endl; x = -sin(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; y = cos(jpi/4.0)*( rtemp * jpi/180.0) ; nesw << x << " " << y << " 10 0 0 CM 315\312" << endl; nesw.close(); outbat << "psxy hr.xy -R -JX -V -Sc0.03 -G0/0/0 -O -K -P >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "pstext hr.txt -R -JX -V -G0/0/255 -O -K -P >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "psxy cross.txt -R -JX -V -M -O -K -P >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "pstext nesw.txt -R -JX -O -K -N >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "psvelo arrows.xy -R -JX -L -W1.0p/255/0/0 -Se1/0.95/12 -A0.0020/0.035/0.025 " << " -N -H0 -O -K -P -V >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "pstext ring.txt -R -JX -O -N -W255o >> skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "echo ------------------------------ " << endl; outbat << "echo ------------------------------ " << endl; outbat << "echo View or print skyplot.ps " << endl; outbat << "echo on " << endl; outbat.close(); out << "\n\nNormal Termination " << endl; out.close(); system(" del del.me "); // cleanup // system("skyplot.bat 1> gmt.messages "); // system("del .gmt* ring.txt arrows.xy *.sat.xy title.txt hr.txt "); cerr << "\n\nNormal Termination. " << "Issue the command 'skyplot.bat' to generate 'skyplot.ps' " << endl; return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- double dot( int n, double a[], double b[]) { int i; double len; len = 0.0; for (i=0; i < n; i++ ) { len += ( a[i] * b[i] ); } return len; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Anderson & Mikhail, Surveying Theory & Practice */ /* pg 1124 */ void xyz2llh(double a, double finverse, double x, double y, double z, double *lat, double *lon, double *h) { int iter; double e2,delta,tmp,No,lat1,lat_prev,htmp,f; // double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); f = 1.0 /finverse; e2 = (2.0 - f) * f; /* printf("x,y,z %lf %lf %lf\n",x,y,z); printf("a,e2 %lf %20.10le\n",a,e2); */ iter = 0; delta = 1.0; if ( sqrt( x*x + y*y) < 1.0e-10 ) { cout << "ERROR: attempting square root of zero in xyz2llh " << endl; exit(0); } lat_prev = atan( z / sqrt( x*x + y*y) ) ; while ( fabs(delta) > 1.0e-12 ) { iter++; if ( iter > 20 ) { printf("no convergence in xyz2llh\n"); exit(0); } No = a / sqrt(1.0 - e2 * sin(lat_prev) * sin(lat_prev)); htmp = sqrt(x*x + y*y) / cos(lat_prev) - No; tmp = 1.0 - e2 * (No / ( No + htmp)); lat1 = atan(z / sqrt( x*x + y*y ) / tmp ); delta = lat_prev - lat1; /* printf("lat_prev, lat1 %lf %lf %lf\n", lat_prev*180.0/pi,lat1*180.0/pi,htmp); */ lat_prev = lat1; } *lat = lat1; *lon = atan2(y,x); *h = htmp; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* c c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** c c name: bcorb c version: 9010.20 c written by: Dr. G. L. Mader c purpose: This subroutine picks the bc elements nearest or just c before and after the current time and computes the SV c position from each set. A weighted average SV position c is then computed. c c input parameters c ------------------------------------ c isv satellite PRN number c tc current time - GPS [seconds of week] c c output parameters c ------------------------------------- c ierr error flag c not equal to zero = error c ivel velocity computation flag c = 1 = compute velocity c recf(3) position (meters) c vecf(3) velocity (meters/s) c c local variables and constants: c ------------------------------------- c n loop counter c n1 index of element set just before time tc c n2 index of element set just after time tc c recf1(3) xyz coordinates from first set of orbit elements c recf2(3) xyz coordinates from second set of orbit elements c tcx scratch variable holding tc c tdif difference between the epochs of the two c orbit element sets used in computing a linear c weighting factor for averaging the positions c derived from these element sets. c tk difference between the requested epoch and the c epoch of the orbit elements used in selecting c the nearest element sets [seconds of week]. c vecf1(3) xyz velocity from first set of orbit elements c vecf2(3) xyz velocity from second set of orbit elements c w1 weighting factor for element set 1 c w2 weighting factor for element set 2 c xcot epoch of the orbit element set c c global variables and constants: c ------------------------------------- c jxco index of orbit element set selected for computation c xco() all sets of broadcast orbit elements c nxco() number of sets for each satellite c c c calls: c ------------------------------------- c bccalc compute satellite position and velocity from c the broadcast orbit parameters c c include files used: c ------------------------------------- c bcorbit.cm broadcast orbit and clock elements c c common blocks: c ------------------------------------- c /bcorbit/ broadcast orbit and clock elements c c references: c ------------------------------------- c OMNI Users Guide, April 1989, G.L. Mader, National c Geodetic Survey, Rockville, Maryland. c c comments: c ------------------------------------- c c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** c::modification history: c::8905.03, GLM, Creation of program merge. c::9010.20, GLM, Creation of subroutine bcorb. c::9906.18, SAH, Convert Fortran 77 to C . c::9906.24, SAH, added the satellite clock offset computation. c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** ce::bcorb c */ int bcorb( double tc, int isv, double recf[4], double vecf[3] ) { double recf1[3]; double recf2[3]; double vecf1[3]; double vecf2[3]; double tcx; double tdif; double tk; double w1; double w2; double xcot; double crit; int ierr; int n; int n1; int n2; int save_n1; int i; /*...... implicit initialization */ for( n = 0; n < 3; n++ ) { recf[n]= 0.0; vecf[n] = 0.0; } recf[3] = 0.0; /*...... 1.0 check if the satellite has orbit parameters */ if( nxco[isv] == 0 ) { ierr= isv; return( ierr ); } /*...... 1.1 check current time, tc, against times of orbit elements and select elements before and after tc */ save_n1 = -9999; n1= 0; for( n = 0; n < nxco[isv]; n++ ) { xcot= xco[isv][8][n]; tk= tc - xcot; if( tk > 302400.0 ) xcot= xcot + 604800.0; else if( tk < -302400.0 ) xcot= xcot - 604800.0; if( xcot > tc ) { save_n1 = n1; break; } else n1= n; } if( save_n1 == -9999 ) n1= nxco[isv] - 1; n2= n1 + 1; if( n2 > (nxco[isv] - 1) ) n2= nxco[isv] - 1; xcot= xco[isv][8][n1]; tk= tc - xcot; if( tk > 302400.0 ) xcot= xcot + 604800.0; else if( tk < -302400.0 ) xcot= xcot - 604800.0; if( xcot > tc ) n2= n1; xcot= xco[isv][8][n2]; tk= tc - xcot; if( tk > 302400.0 ) xcot= xcot + 604800.0; if( tk < -302400.0 ) xcot= xcot - 604800.0; if( xcot < tc ) n1= n2; if( tc == 604800.0 ) tc= 0.0; /*...... 2.0 compute ephemeris for this set of elements */ tcx= tc; jxco= n1; ierr = bccalc( tcx, isv, recf1, vecf1); if( ierr != 0 ) { printf("\nERROR returned from jxco=n1 bccalc for tcx = %lf isv: %2d\n",tcx,isv); return( ierr ); } /*...... 3.0 compute ephemeris for this set of elements */ tcx= tc; jxco= n2; ierr = bccalc( tcx, isv, recf2, vecf2); if( ierr != 0 ) { cout << "\nERROR returned from jxco=n2 bccalc for tcx = " << tcx << " isv: " << isv << endl; return( ierr ); } /*...... 4.0 compute weighted average of positions and velocities */ if( n1 == n2 ) { w1= 0.50; w2= 0.50; } else { tdif= xco[isv][8][n2] - xco[isv][8][n1]; w1= ( tdif - ( tc - xco[isv][8][n1] ) ) / tdif; w2= ( tdif - ( xco[isv][8][n2] - tc ) ) / tdif; } /* broadcast blocks should be used within 2 hours of TOE */ /* record/flag every thing beyond 4 hours + 60 seconds */ if( fabs(tc - xco[isv][8][n1]) > 14460 || fabs(xco[isv][8][n2] - tc) > 14460 ) { cuml_bad_blocks[isv] = cuml_bad_blocks[isv] + 1; } for( n = 0; n < 3; n++ ) { recf[n]= w1 * recf1[n] + w2 * recf2[n]; vecf[n]= w1 * vecf1[n] + w2 * vecf2[n]; } /*...... 5.0 compute sv clock offset using the closest PRN block */ crit = 1.0e308; for( n = 0; n < nxco[isv]; n++ ) // find the closest svclk coeffs. { xcot = xco[isv][24][n]; if( fabs(tc - xcot) < crit ) { crit = fabs(tc - xcot); tdif = tc - xcot; n1 = n; } } recf[3] = xco[isv][25][n1] + xco[isv][26][n1]*tdif + xco[isv][27][n1]*tdif*tdif; return(0); } /* end of function bcorb */ /* c c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** c c name: bccalc c version: 0007.19 c written by: Steve Hilla c purpose: This subroutine uses the broadcast ephemeris c representation parameters to compute the position c vector (x,y,z) based on the ICD-200 (01 July 1992) c c input parameters c ------------------------------------ c isv the satellite PRN id number c tsubr GPS time of current epoch [seconds] c c output parameters c ------------------------------------- c ierr error flag c = 1 => there are no sv's c recf position vector (x,y,z) and sv clock offset c vecf velocity vector (xdot, ydot, zdot) c c local variables and constants: c ------------------------------------- c a semi-major axis [meters] c clkoff satellite clock offset c cori 2nd harmonic correction to inclination c corid derivative of cori with respect to time c corlat 2nd harmonic argument of latitude correction c corlatd derivative of corlat with respect to time c corr 2nd harmonic radius correction c corrd derivative of corr with respect to time c cos2p intermediate result (cos twolat) c cos2pd derivative of cos2p with respect to time c cose cosine of eccentric anomaly (ek) [n.u.] c cosi cosine of xik c cosid derivative of cosi with respect to time c coslat intermediate result (cos dlat) c coso cosine of omegak c dlat argument of latitude (phi) c also corrected argument of latitude c dlatd derivative of dlat with respect to time c ek eccentric anomaly c ekdot derivative of eccentric anomaly (ek) w.r.t. time c emk mean anomaly, emk= em0() + en*tk c en corrected mean motion, en= en0 + deltan() [seconds] c en0 computed mean motion, en0= sqrt(xmu/a**3) [seconds] c ghadot angular velocity of the earth [radians/seconds] c = 7.292115147d-5 radians/seconds c omegak corrected longitude of ascending node c omegakd derivative of omegak with respect to time c (rate of right ascension) c pi numerical constant for pi [n.u.] c rk corrected radius c rkd derivative of rk with respect to time c roote intermediate result (sqrt(1-e**2)) c sin2p intermediate result (sin twolat) c sin2pd derivative of sin2p with respect to time c sine sine of eccentric anomaly (ek) [n.u.] c sini sine of xik c sinid derivative of sini with respect to time c sino sine of omegak c sinlat hold intermediate result (sin dlat) c truea true anomaly c tk actual total time difference between the GPS system c time and the ephemeris reference epoch time: c tk= tc - toe() c twolat intermediate result (2*argument of latitude), c twolat= mod(dlat+dlat/twopi) c twopi hold pi*pi, twopi= pi + pi, [no units] c xik corrected inclination c xikd derivative of xik with respect to time c xk x position in orbital plane, xk= rk*coslat c xkd derivative of xk with respect to time c xmu WGS-72 value of the earth's c universal gravitational parameter c = 3.986008d+14 [meters**3/seconds**2] c yk y position in orbital plane, yk= rk*sinlat c ykd derivative of yk with respect to time c c c The following global variables are the ephemeris representation c model which is characterized by a set of parameters that is an c extension to the Keplerian orbital parameters, one set for each sv. c c cic amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to c the angle of inclination c cis amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to c the angle of inclination c crc amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to c the orbit radius c crs amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to c the orbit radius c cuc amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to c the argument of latitude c cus amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to c the argument of latitude c deltan delta(n) : mean motion difference from computed c e value eccentricity c em0 mean anomaly at reference time toe c omega0 right ascension at reference time toe c omegad rate of right ascension c per0 argument of perigee c roota square root of the semi-major axis (a) c toe ephemeris reference time c xi0 inclination angle at reference time toe c c global variables and constants: c ------------------------------------- c jxco broadcast element set selected c xco() broadcast element sets c c calls: c ------------------------------------- c c include files: c ------------------------------------- c c common blocks: c ------------------------------------- c c references: c ------------------------------------- c ICD-GPS-200 Interface Control Document c IRN-200B-PR-001 c 01 July 1992 c c comments: c ------------------------------------- c All angular values must have been converted to radians. c c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** c::modification history: c::0007.19, SAH, create bccalc using the ICD-200 and 1995 class notes. c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** ce::bccalc c */ int bccalc( double tsubr, int isv, double recf[3], double vecf[3]) { double a; double cic; double cis; double cori; double corid; double corlat; double corlatd; double corrd; double corr; double cos2p; double cos2pd; double cose; double cosi; double coslat; double coso; double crc; double crs; double cuc; double cus; double deltan; double dlat; double dlatd; double e; double ek; double ekdot; double em0; double emk; double en; double en0; double omega0; double omegad; double omegak; double omegakd; double per0; double rk; double rkd; double roota; double roote; double sin2p; double sin2pd; double sine; double sini; double sinlat; double sino; double tk; double toe; double truea; double twolat; double xi0; double xik; double xikd; double xk; double xkd; double yk; double ykd; double idot, toc, a0, a1, a2, clkoff, Ecc_anom; //double relCorr; int i; int ierr; double xghadot = 7.2921151467e-05; // ICD-GPS-200 01 July 1992 /*....... 1.0 check to see if isv exists */ //cout << " isv,jxco,tc = " << isv << " " << jxco << " " << // setw(30) << setprecision(15) << tsubr << endl; if( isv == 0 ) { ierr= 1; return( ierr ); } /*....... 2.0 compute the earth-centered,earth-fixed cartesian coordinates of the position for isv's antenna phase center */ crs= xco[isv][ 1][jxco]; deltan= xco[isv][ 2][jxco]; em0= xco[isv][ 3][jxco]; cuc= xco[isv][ 4][jxco]; e= xco[isv][ 5][jxco]; cus= xco[isv][ 6][jxco]; roota= xco[isv][ 7][jxco]; toe= xco[isv][ 8][jxco]; cic= xco[isv][ 9][jxco]; omega0= xco[isv][10][jxco]; cis= xco[isv][11][jxco]; xi0= xco[isv][12][jxco]; crc= xco[isv][13][jxco]; per0= xco[isv][14][jxco]; omegad= xco[isv][15][jxco]; idot= xco[isv][16][jxco]; // toc= xco[isv][24][jxco]; // a0= xco[isv][25][jxco]; // a1= xco[isv][26][jxco]; // a2= xco[isv][27][jxco]; //cout << " toe = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << toe << endl; //cout << " omega0 = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << omega0 << endl; //cout << " per0 = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << per0 << endl; //cout << " omegad = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << omegad << endl; //cout << " xi0 = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << xi0 << endl; //cout << " em0 = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << em0 << endl; /*....... 2.01 compute SV clock offset and relativity correction apply these to the input transmission time */ // if( (tsubr - toc) > 302400.0 ) tsubr = tsubr - 604800.0; // if( (tsubr - toc) < -302400.0 ) tsubr = tsubr + 604800.0; // clkoff = a0 + a1*(tsubr - toc) + a2*(tsubr - toc)*(tsubr - toc); // Ecc_anom = em0; // for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) // Ecc_anom = em0 + e*sin(Ecc_anom); // relCorr = -4.442807633e-10 * e * roota * sin(Ecc_anom); // // tsubr = tsubr - clkoff - relCorr; /*....... 2.1 compute semi-major axis and computed mean motion */ a= roota*roota; en0= sqrt( xmu / (a*a*a) ); /*....... 2.2 compute time from epoch and account for beginning or end of week crossovers. */ tk= tsubr - toe; if( tk > 302400.0 ) tk= tk - 604800.0; else if( tk < -302400.0 ) tk= tk + 604800.0; /*....... 2.3 compute corrected mean motion and mean anomaly */ en= en0 + deltan; emk= em0 + en * tk; emk= fmod(emk, twopi); emk= fmod(emk + twopi, twopi); /*....... 2.4 solve Kepler's equation for eccentric anomaly. note that Kepler's equation emk= ek-e*sin(ek) can be re-written in the form ek= emk+e*sin(ek) ek= emk is the initial approximation for Kepler's equation and ekdot is the derivative of ek with respect to time. */ ek= emk; ekdot= en; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { sine= sin(ek); cose= cos(ek); ek= emk + e * sine; ekdot= en + e * cose * ekdot; } /*....... 2.5 compute true anomaly, which is derived the following way: sin(vk) sqrt(1-e**2)*sin(ek) 1-e*cos(ek) tan(vk)= -------= -------------------- * ----------- cos(vk) 1-e*cos(ek) cos(ek)-e */ if( ( 1.0 - e*e ) < 1.0e-4 ) { cout << " 1.0 - e*e is less than 0.0001 ! in bccalc.\n"; } roote= sqrt(1.0 - e*e); truea= atan2(roote * sine, cose - e); /*....... 2.6 compute argument of latitude, and 2nd harmonic pertrbtns. which include argument of latitude correction (corlat), radius correction (corr), and corr. to inclination (cori) */ dlat= truea + per0; twolat= fmod(dlat + dlat, twopi); sin2p= sin(twolat); cos2p= cos(twolat); corlat= cuc * cos2p + cus * sin2p; corr= crc * cos2p + crs * sin2p; cori= cic * cos2p + cis * sin2p; /*....... 2.7 compute corrected argument of latitude, radius, and inclination (dlat, rk, and xik) respectively */ dlat= fmod(dlat + corlat, twopi); rk= a * (1.0 - e * cose) + corr; xik= xi0 + idot*tk + cori; /*....... 2.8 compute x and y positions in orbital plane */ coslat= cos(dlat); sinlat= sin(dlat); xk= rk * coslat; yk= rk * sinlat; //cout << " rk = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << rk << endl; //cout << " dlat = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << dlat << endl; /*....... 2.9 compute corrected longitude of ascending node (omegak), and finally, compute the earth-centered, earth-fixed cartesian coordinates of the position for isv's antenna phase center (recf) */ omegak= omega0 + (omegad - xghadot)*tk - (xghadot * toe); omegak= fmod(omegak, twopi); coso= cos(omegak); sino= sin(omegak); cosi= cos(xik); sini= sin(xik); recf[0]= xk * coso - yk * cosi * sino; recf[1]= xk * sino + yk * cosi * coso; recf[2]= yk * sini; // double tdif = tsubr - xco[isv][24][jxco]; // recf[3] = xco[isv][25][jxco] + xco[isv][26][jxco]*tdif // + xco[isv][27][jxco]*tdif*tdif; //cout << " xghadot = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << xghadot << endl; //cout << " xk = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << xk << endl; //cout << " yk = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << yk << endl; //cout << " coso = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << coso << endl; //cout << " sino = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << sino << endl; //cout << " cosi = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << cosi << endl; //cout << " sini = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << sini << endl; //cout << " x = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << recf[0] << endl; //cout << " y = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << recf[1] << endl; //cout << " z = " << setw(30) << setprecision(15) << recf[2] << endl; // cin >> i; /*....... 4.1 compute the derivative of omegak and dlat w.r.t. time tk. note: the formula for the derivative of dlat is fairly complicated to work out. */ omegakd= omegad - ghadot; dlatd= en * roote * (( a / rk )*( a / rk )); /*....... 4.2 compute the derivative of the 2nd harmonic corrections with respect to time tk. (i.e. compute the derivative of: 1 - argument of latitude correction 2 - radius correction 3 - correction to inclination) */ sin2pd= 2.0 * cos2p * dlatd; cos2pd= -2.0 * sin2p * dlatd; corlatd= cuc * cos2pd + cus * sin2pd; corrd= crc * cos2pd + crs * sin2pd; corid= cic * cos2pd + cis * sin2pd; /*....... 4.3 compute the derivative of the following w.r.t. time tk: 1) corrected argument of latitude 2) corrected radius 3) corrected inclination */ dlatd= dlatd + corlatd; rkd= a * e * sine * ekdot + corrd; xikd= corid; /*....... 4.4 compute the derivative of the x and y positions in the orbital plane, and finally, compute the velocity vector, which is the derivative of the earth's fixed coordinates */ xkd= rkd * coslat - rk * sinlat * dlatd; ykd= rkd * sinlat + rk * coslat * dlatd; vecf[0]= ( xkd * coso ) - ( ykd * cosi * sino ) - ( xk * sino * omegakd ) - ( yk * cosi * coso * omegakd ) + ( yk * sini * xikd * sino ); vecf[1]= ( xkd * sino ) + ( ykd * cosi * coso ) + ( xk * coso * omegakd ) - ( yk * cosi * sino * omegakd ) - ( yk * sini * xikd * coso ); vecf[2]= ( ykd * sini ) + ( yk * cosi * xikd ); ierr= 0; return( ierr ); } /* end of function bccalc */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int bcread(RinexNavFile &navFile, ofstream &out ) { double tel; int n, isv; int duplicate_block; PRNBlock currBlock; DateTime currEpoch; MJD modJD; GPSTime gpsTime; /*....... 1.0 explicit initialization */ for( isv = 0; isv < MAXSVS; isv++) { nxco[isv]= 0; } /*....... 2.0 read the broadcast header */ navFile.readHeader(); navFile.writeHeaderImage(out); out << endl << endl; /*....... TOP OF LOOP to scan file */ /*....... 3.0 read epoch / clock model line */ while( navFile.readPRNBlock( currBlock ) != 0 ) { // navFile.writePRNBlock(out, currBlock); isv = currBlock.getSatellitePRN(); /*....... 4.0 convert time to DateTime */ currEpoch = DateTime( (long)currBlock.getTocYear(), (long)currBlock.getTocMonth(), (long)currBlock.getTocDay(), (long)currBlock.getTocHour(), (long)currBlock.getTocMin(), currBlock.getTocSec() ); modJD = currEpoch.GetMJD(); tel = (double) modJD.mjd + modJD.fracOfDay; /*....... 5.0 compute GPS Time */ gpsTime = currEpoch.GetGPSTime(); /*....... 6.0 skip blocks that are out of order, go to end of while loop */ if( nxco[isv] >= 1 && tel < xco[isv][20][nxco[isv] - 1] ) continue; /*....... 6.1 skip blocks where the PRN is declared unhealthy (zero means the Satellite Health is OK) */ if( fabs(currBlock.getSvHealth()) > 0.00000000000001 ) { out << "In the NAV file, PRN " << setw(2) << isv << " is unhealthy at time: " << setw(4) << currBlock.getTocYear() << " " << setw(2) << currBlock.getTocMonth() << " " << setw(2) << currBlock.getTocDay() << " " << setw(2) << currBlock.getTocHour() << " " << setw(2) << currBlock.getTocMin() << fixed << showpoint << setw(7) << setprecision(3) << currBlock.getTocSec() << endl; continue; } /*....... 7.0 skip duplicate blocks NOTE: only the epoch is checked. */ duplicate_block = 0; if( nxco[isv] > 1 ) { for( n = 0; n < nxco[isv] - 2; n++ ) { if( fabs( xco[isv][8][n] - currBlock.getToe() ) < 1.0 ) { duplicate_block = 1; break; /* exit the for loop */ } } if( duplicate_block == 1 ) continue; } /*....... 8.0 load elements into the storage array */ if( nxco[isv] < MAXEPOCH ) { xco[isv][0][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getIode(); xco[isv][1][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getCrs(); xco[isv][2][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getDeltan(); xco[isv][3][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getMo(); xco[isv][4][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getCuc(); xco[isv][5][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getEccen(); xco[isv][6][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getCus(); xco[isv][7][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getSqrtA(); xco[isv][8][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getToe(); xco[isv][9][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getCic(); xco[isv][10][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getBigOmega(); xco[isv][11][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getCis(); xco[isv][12][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getIo(); xco[isv][13][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getCrc(); xco[isv][14][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getLilOmega(); xco[isv][15][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getBigOmegaDot(); xco[isv][16][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getIdot(); xco[isv][17][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getCodesOnL2(); xco[isv][18][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getToeGPSWeek(); xco[isv][19][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getPDataFlagL2(); xco[isv][20][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getSvAccur(); xco[isv][21][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getSvHealth(); xco[isv][22][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getTgd(); xco[isv][23][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getIodc(); xco[isv][24][nxco[isv]] = gpsTime.secsOfWeek; xco[isv][25][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getClockBias(); xco[isv][26][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getClockDrift(); xco[isv][27][nxco[isv]] = currBlock.getClockDriftRate(); xco[isv][20][nxco[isv]]= tel; /* use element 20 to store mjd + fmjd */ nxco[isv]= nxco[isv] + 1; } } /* end of while loop over all the broadcast blocks */ return(0); } /* end of bcread */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- string padZeros( int a ) { ostringstream stream; string tmp; stream << a; // cout << "length in padZeros " << stream.str().length() << endl; if ( stream.str().length() == 1 ) { tmp = "0" + stream.str(); } else { tmp = stream.str(); } return tmp; } /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Anderson & Mikhail, Surveying Theory & Practice */ /* pg 1122 */ void llh2xyz(double a, double finverse, double lat, double lon, double h, double *x, double *y, double *z) { int iter; double e2,delta,tmp,N,lat1,lat_prev,htmp,f; f = 1.0 /finverse; e2 = (2.0 - f) * f; N = a / sqrt(1.0-e2 * sin(lat)*sin(lat) ); *x = (N+h) * cos(lat) * cos(lon); *y = (N+h) * cos(lat) * sin(lon); *z = (N*(1.0-e2) + h )* sin(lat); }