C Last change: OO 20 Nov 2000 1:01 pm PROGRAM TEST_KLOB C Driver program to demonstrate the klobuchar.for subroutine C using a numerical example. C Note: In this example leap seconds are ignored, i.e., it C is assumed that UTC time equals GPS Time. If 13.0 leap C seconds were added to the 20:45 time in the numerical example, C it would change the ion delay by less than one millimeter. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8 alfa(4),beta(4),sec,week,tow,elev,fi,lambda,azimuth,dIon1 INTEGER*4 i,year,month,day,hour,MIN CHARACTER*80 string80 CHARACTER*12 navfile,outfile OPEN(10,FILE='test_klo.inp') READ(10,'(a12)') navfile ! File with alphas and ! betas (RINEX NAV format) READ(10,'(a12)') outfile ! Out-file READ(10,*) year,month,day,hour,MIN,sec ! Time (UTC) READ(10,*) elev ! Elevation (deg) READ(10,*) azimuth ! Azimuth (deg) READ(10,*) fi ! Latitude (deg min sec) READ(10,*) lambda ! Longtitude (deg min sec) CLOSE (10) OPEN(20,FILE=navfile) OPEN(30,FILE=outfile) ! Read alphas string80(61:69)=' ' DO WHILE(string80(61:69) .NE. 'ION ALPHA') READ(20,'(a80)') string80 END DO READ(string80,'(2x,4D12.4)') (alfa(i), i=1,4) REWIND 20 ! Read betas string80(61:69)=' ' DO WHILE(string80(61:68) .NE. 'ION BETA') READ(20,'(a80)') string80 END DO READ(string80,'(2x,4D12.4)') (beta(i), i=1,4) CLOSE (20) ! Compute Time-of-Week in ! seconds (UTC) ! (leap secs are ignored) CALL GPSTIME(year,month,day,hour,MIN,sec,week,tow) ! Ionospheric L1 corr. CALL KLOBUCHAR(fi,lambda,elev,azimuth,tow,alfa,beta,dIon1) WRITE(30,'(a6,f9.0,tr5,a6,f8.3)') ' Tow :',tow, 'dION: ',dIon1 CLOSE (30) STOP END