c c program asprep - find repeat time for GPS constellation, as viewed from c a particular location (the "aspect repeat time") c c read GPS positions from .sp3 files (concatenated) and find repeat times from c a particular location by interpolating. c c command line includes time to find repeats from, number of days to skip c forward, and station location. c c calls findex and polyin (for interpolation), iscnsp and related routines c (for calendar computations). c c D. C. Agnew, March/May 2006 c c character*60 line character*1 mode double precision xp,yp,zp,time,ct double precision xl,yl,zl,tl double precision s0(3),pn(3),p(3),sn(3) double precision rlat,rlon,ht dimension isv(40),itime(4000),ist(6),lti(6),itref(6) dimension xp(40,4000),yp(40,4000),zp(40,4000),time(4000) dimension xl(12),yl(12),zl(12),tl(12) data iepc/1/,mode/'m'/,ifst/0/,lti/6*0/,iokst/0/,ioken/0/ data stp/1./ if(iargc().ne.10) then write(6,100) 100 format(/, 1 'Usage: cat file1.sp3 file2.sp3... | asprep y m d h m s ndays', 3 ' lat long ht', 4 /,' where the time given is the time to find the repeats from',/ 5 /,'This must be more than 2 hours after the start of the first ', 6 '.sp3',/,' file; the repeat point, which will be ndays later' 7 ,' must be',/,' more than 2 hours earlier than the end time of', 8 ' the last .sp3 file',//,'Writes out SV number, repeat time ', 9 '(normalized to one day), angular') write(6,101) 101 format(' separation (millirad), elevation, azimuth, rate of ', 1 'motion (millirad/sec),',/,' and separation/rate (sec)',/) stop endif do i=1,6 call getarg(i,line) read(line,102) itref(i) 102 format(i4) enddo call getarg(7,line) read(line,102) ndays isep=86155*ndays call getarg(8,line) read(line,103) rlat 103 format(f8.0) call getarg(9,line) read(line,103) rlon call getarg(10,line) read(line,103) ht call xyz(rlat,rlon,ht,p,pn) c c read start of file and get number of sats (assumed to be the same c for all days if concatenated) c 1 read(5,110) line 110 format(a60) if(line(1:2).ne."+ ") go to 1 read(line,112) ns,(isv(i),i=1,17) 112 format(4x,i2,3x,17(1x,i2)) read(5,110) line read(line,114) (isv(i),i=18,34) 114 format(9x,17(1x,i2)) c c now read lines; if a *, get time (secs from start); then read positions c 3 read(5,110,end=13) line if(line(1:2).ne."* ") go to 3 read(line,120) (lti(i),i=1,5) 120 format(3x,i4,4i3) read(line,122) sec 122 format(20x,f9.6) lti(6)=nint(sec) c c find time in seconds relative to start time, and decide if the time c should be read in; criteria are that it be within +-5 hours of c start time, or of that time ndays*86155 sec later c lst=iscnsp(itref,lti,1,mode) iget=0 if(lst.gt.-18000.and.lst.lt.18000) then iget=1 iokst=iokst+1 endif if(lst.gt.isep-18000.and.lst.lt.isep+18000) then iget=1 ioken=ioken+1 endif if(ifst.eq.0.and.iget.eq.1) then ifst=1 do j=1,6 ist(j)=lti(j) enddo endif itime(iepc)=iscnsp(ist,lti,1,mode) time(iepc)=itime(iepc) do i=1,ns read(5,110) line read(line,130) xp(i,iepc),yp(i,iepc),zp(i,iepc) 130 format(4x,3f14.6) enddo c only advance index if time is in windows; otherwise will be overwritten if(iget.eq.1) iepc=iepc+1 c c loop back to read (we assume) next time--or next header, which is just c skipped c go to 3 c c done with read--after checking that we have data covering the times needed, c find the first time, and get the positions; then c interpolate over a 300-s period n days later to get the repeats c 13 iepc=iepc-1 if(iokst.lt.35.or.ioken.lt.35) then if(iokst.lt.35) write(6,132) 132 format(' No orbit data around start time ') if(ioken.lt.35) write(6,134) 134 format(' No orbit data around end time ') stop endif jlo=iscnsp(ist,itref,1,mode) do i=1,ns ct=jlo call findex(time,iepc,ct,jp) do k=1,12 tl(k)=time(k+jp-5) xl(k)=xp(i,k+jp-5) yl(k)=yp(i,k+jp-5) zl(k)=zp(i,k+jp-5) enddo jpo=jp c c find the station-satellite vector, and normalize it c call polyin(tl,xl,12,ct,s0(1)) call polyin(tl,yl,12,ct,s0(2)) call polyin(tl,zl,12,ct,s0(3)) do k=1,3 s0(k)=1000*s0(k)-p(k) enddo r=sqrt(s0(1)**2+s0(2)**2+s0(3)**2) do k=1,3 s0(k)=s0(k)/r enddo c c shift start time of search by 86155 seconds/day, with 155*ndays subtracted; c then search over a 300-s window in 1 s steps--this will capture all c but some very rare situations, and those missed will be far from repeating c anyway c jl=jlo+ndays*86155 - 155*ndays nspan=(300+310*(ndays-1))/stp dol=0. dol2=0. do j=jl,jl+nspan ct=jl+stp*(j-jl) call findex(time,iepc,ct,jp) if(jp.ne.jpo) then c fill arrays for interpolation do k=1,12 tl(k)=time(k+jp-5) xl(k)=xp(i,k+jp-5) yl(k)=yp(i,k+jp-5) zl(k)=zp(i,k+jp-5) enddo endif jpo=jp call getvec(tl,xl,yl,zl,ct,p,s0,sn,d,sky) c test to see if we have passed the minimum if(d.gt.dol.and.j.gt.jl) then c from current and last two values, find time of minimum assuming c parabolic behavior, and step size of 1 d1=dol-d d2=dol2-d dt=(4*d1-d2)/(2*(d2-2*d1)) c rescale for step size and find actual time ct=ct+stp*dt call getvec(tl,xl,yl,zl,ct,p,s0,sn,d,tmp) c find az and elevation dot=0 do k=1,3 dot=dot+sn(k)*pn(k) enddo el = 90. - 180.d0*acos(dot)/3.1415922635898d0 az = 180.*azim(sn,pn)/3.14159265359 if(az.lt.0) az=az+360 c find values in milliradians, and millirad/sec skysep=1000*asin(d) rate=(1000*asin(sky))/stp tr=skysep/rate c c write out SV number, repeat time, angle in sky, elevation, azimuth, c rate of motion (millirad/sec) and derived time for this rate to cover c the separation c c change in time computation (to correct a 1-sec error) made 9 Oct 2006 c reptime=(ct-jlo)/ndays if(j-jl.gt.2) 1 write(6,140) isv(i),reptime,skysep,el,az,rate,tr 140 format(i2,f10.2,f8.3,2f8.1,f9.4,f6.1) if(j-jl.eq.2) 1 write(6,141) isv(i) 141 format(i2,' minimum outside of window searched') c c leave loop over time, go to next satellite c go to 17 endif dol2=dol dol=d enddo 17 if(d.lt.do) write(6,141) isv(i) enddo stop end subroutine getvec(tl,xl,yl,zl,ct,p,s0,sn,d,sky) c c given an array of times tl, positions xyz, current time ct, c station vector p, and previous day's topocentric vector s0, c finds the current topocentric unit vector sn, the separation c of this from the previous days (d), and the rate of motion (sky) c save sno double precision tl,xl,yl,zl,ct,p,s0,sn double precision dn,sno,skysn,s dimension xl(*),yl(*),zl(*),tl(*),p(*),s0(*) dimension sn(*) dimension dn(3),sno(3),skysn(3),s(3) call polyin(tl,xl,12,ct,s(1)) call polyin(tl,yl,12,ct,s(2)) call polyin(tl,zl,12,ct,s(3)) do k=1,3 s(k)=1000*s(k)-p(k) enddo r=sqrt(s(1)**2+s(2)**2+s(3)**2) do k=1,3 sn(k)=s(k)/r enddo c find cross-product of s0 and sn: minimum of this gives time when c satellite is in the same direction dn(1)= s0(2)*sn(3) - s0(3)*sn(2) dn(2)= s0(3)*sn(1) - s0(1)*sn(3) dn(3)= s0(1)*sn(2) - s0(2)*sn(1) d=sqrt(dn(1)*dn(1)+dn(2)*dn(2)+dn(3)*dn(3)) c find cross-product of sn with its previous value, to get angular motion in c the last second skysn(1)= sno(2)*sn(3) - sno(3)*sn(2) skysn(2)= sno(3)*sn(1) - sno(1)*sn(3) skysn(3)= sno(1)*sn(2) - sno(2)*sn(1) sky=sqrt(skysn(1)*skysn(1)+skysn(2)*skysn(2)+ 1 skysn(3)*skysn(3)) do k=1,3 sno(k)=sn(k) enddo return end subroutine polyin(xa,ya,n,x,y) c c given an array of y values in ya, at x values in xa (both of length n), c and an x-value x, returns a y-value using the interpolating polynomial c double precision xa,ya,x,y,cy,c,d,df,dfx dimension xa(*),ya(*) dimension c(13),d(13) ns=1 df=abs(x-xa(1)) do i=1,n dfx=abs(x-xa(i)) if (dfx.lt.df) then ns=i df=dfx endif c(i)=ya(i) d(i)=ya(i) enddo y=ya(ns) ns=ns-1 do m=1,n-1 do i=1,n-m ho=xa(i)-x hp=xa(i+m)-x w=c(i+1)-d(i) den=ho-hp if(den.eq.0.) then write(6,100) 100 format(' Interpolation error') endif den=w/den d(i)=hp*den c(i)=ho*den enddo if (2*ns.lt.n-m)then cy=c(ns+1) else cy=d(ns) ns=ns-1 endif y=y+cy enddo return end subroutine findex(x,n,cx,jo) c c given an array x, of length n, and a value cx, find the index jo that c corresponds to the term just below it; we assume that the x's are in c increasing order. The procedure starts by assuming that jo is the right value c double precision x,cx dimension x(*) jl=jo c c starting value off end of array, go to bisection c if(jl.le.0.or.jl.gt.n)then jl=1 jh=n go to 7 endif c c increase search area to cover value sought c incr=1 if(cx.ge.x(jl))then 3 jh=jl+incr if(jh.gt.n) jh=n if(cx.ge.x(jh)) then jl=jh incr=2*incr go to 3 endif endif if(cx.lt.x(jl))then jh=jl 5 jl=jh-incr if(jlo.lt.1) jl=1 if(cx.lt.x(jl)) then jh=jl incr=2*incr go to 5 endif endif c find the index by bisection 7 if(jh-jl.eq.1)return jm=(jh+jl)/2 if(cx.gt.x(jm)) jl=jm if(cx.le.x(jm)) jh=jm jo=jl go to 7 end function iscnsp(it1,it2,isamp,mode) c finds the number of scans (terms, data points, . . .) separating times c specified in the arrays it1 and it2, for a sample interval of isamp c seconds. it2 is taken to be the later time; if it is actually earlier, c the function will return an appropriately negative value. if the c dates are the same, 0 is returned (note that this value therefore c differs from the usual scan count) c mode sets the way in which the dates are given; if it is 'd' the dates c are year, day, hour, minute, second; if it is 'm' the dates are year, c month, day, hour, minute, second. c c $$$$calls juldat,toymd,muldiv c character*1 mode dimension it1(*),it2(*) dimension il1(6),il2(6) common /scanrem/irc c convert times to Julian Date, and seconds of day if(mode.eq.'d') then call toymd(it1,il1) call toymd(it2,il2) c since seconds not used, do not need this copying c do i=3,5 c il1(i+1)=it1(i) c il2(i+1)=it2(i) c enddo jd1 = juldat(il1) jd2 = juldat(il2) js1=60*(60*it1(3)+it1(4))+it1(5) js2=60*(60*it2(3)+it2(4))+it2(5) endif if(mode.ne.'d') then jd1 = juldat(it1) jd2 = juldat(it2) js1=60*(60*it1(4)+it1(5))+it1(6) js2=60*(60*it2(4)+it2(5))+it2(6) endif idir=1 c if time-2 earlier than time-1, note this and swap the times if(jd2.lt.jd1.or.jd2.eq.jd1.and.is2.lt.is1) then j=jd2 jd2=jd1 jd1=j j=js2 js2=js1 js1=j idir=-1 endif c If necessary adjust the end date to a day earlier, to make the number of c seconds for the later day greater than the the number on the start day if(js2.lt.js1) then js2=js2+86400 jd2=jd2-1 endif js=js2-js1 jd=jd2-jd1 c Time span is jd days plus js seconds. Convert this to c scans, plus a remainder if it is not an even number. call muldiv(jd,86400,isamp,iscnsp,irc) c add in the seconds part iscnsp = iscnsp + js/isamp c and combine the two remainders and add them in as well irc = irc + mod(js,isamp) iscnsp = iscnsp + irc/isamp irc = mod(irc,isamp) c scans are < 0 if time-2 is before time-1 iscnsp = idir*iscnsp return end subroutine toymd(it1,it2) dimension it1(*),it2(*) c c converts times in it1 given as year and day to year-month-day in it2 c idn(m) = mod((367*(m-2-12*((m-14)/12)))/12+29,365) mon(jj,m) = (12*(jj-29-m))/367 + 2 + (jj-200)/169 it2(1)=it1(1) it2(2)=mon(it1(2),leap(it1(1))) it2(3) = it1(2) - idn(it2(2)) - leap(it2(1))*((9+it2(2))/12) return end function leap(iy) c c returns 1 if year is a leap year, by Clavian (Gregorian) rule c leap = 1 - (mod(iy,4)+3)/4 if(mod(iy,100).eq.0.and.mod(iy,400).ne.0) leap=0 return end function juldat(it) dimension it(*) c c Julian Date from Gregorian date, Algorithm from p. 604, Explanatory c Supplement Amer Ephemeris & Nautical Almanac (cf Comm CACM, 11, 657 (1968) c and 15, 918 (1972)) Valid for all positive values of Julian Date c juldat=(1461*(it(1)+4800+(it(2)-14)/12))/4 1 + (367*(it(2)-2-12*((it(2)-14)/12)))/12 2 - (3*((it(1)+4900+(it(2)-14)/12)/100))/4+it(3)-32075 return end subroutine muldiv(n1,n2,n3,np,nr) c c finds the integer part and remainder of the quantity (n1*n2)/n3 c without forming the product n1*n2, to minimize the chance of overflow c Algorithm by R. L. Parker, modified by D. C. Agnew c c Basic idea is that we can decompose an integer n2 to be j1 mutliples c of n3, plus a remainder k1 c n2 = j1*n3 + k1 whence in real arithmetic c n2/n3 = j1 + k1/n3 and this means that c n1*n2/n3 = n1*j1 + n1*k1/n3 and we can take the integer part c and remainder of n1*k1/n3 to get the integer part and remainder of c n1*n2/n3, with k1 being bounded as n2 is not. A second application c gives the algorithm below. c j2=n2/n3 k2=mod(n2,n3) j1=n1/n3 k1=mod(n1,n3) c product nn has max value of n3*n3, so for n3*n3 < max value, will not c overflow unless another product is actually too large nn=k1*k2 np=n1*j2 + j1*k2 + nn/n3 nr=mod(nn,n3) return end subroutine xyz(rlat,rlong,ht,p,pn) c C Routine to convert the geodetic co-latitudes, longitude and C elipsoidal height to the Cartesian XYZ coordinates of C the site. save f,e2 double precision rlat,rlong,ht,p,pn,f,rad,pi,rc double precision clat,clong,slat,slong dimension p(*),pn(*) data rad/6378137.d0/ data f/298.257223563d0/ data pi/3.1415926535898d0/ data ifst/0/ if(ifst.eq.0) then f=1./f e2=f*(2.d0-f) ifst=1 endif clat=cos(pi*(rlat)/180.d0) slat=sin(pi*(rlat)/180.d0) clong=cos(pi*(rlong)/180.d0) slong=sin(pi*(rlong)/180.d0) rc=rad/(sqrt(1.d0 - e2*slat*slat)) p(1) = (rc+ht)*clat*clong p(2) = (rc+ht)*clat*slong p(3) = (rc*(1-e2)+ht)*slat dist=sqrt(p(1)**2+p(2)**2+p(3)**2) do i=1,3 pn(i)=p(i)/dist enddo return end function azim(sn,pn) c c sn is unit vector towards satellite from station; c pn towards station (geocentric) c double precision sn,pn dimension sn(*),pn(*) C data pi/3.1415926535898d0/ csb=pn(3) ssb=sqrt(1-csb**2) stalo=atan2(pn(2),pn(1)) csc=sn(3) ssc=sqrt(1-csc**2) satlo=atan2(sn(2),sn(1)) caa=cos(satlo-stalo) saa=sin(satlo-stalo) csa = csb*csc + ssb*ssc*caa sida = acos(csa) ssa = sin(sida) sac = saa*ssc/ssa cac = (csc -csb*csa)/(ssb*ssa) azim = atan2(sac,cac) return stop end