(Universal Transverse Mercator System)
                                         Programmers: Edward E. Carlson
                                                      T. Vincenty
                                         Last Update: 09/26/88
                                                      04/03/90; 12/01/93
                                         Version 2.0
    To convert NAD 27 or NAD 83 geodetic positions to NAD 27 or
    NAD 83 universal transverse mercator coordinates (UTM) and vice versa.
    1. The program will compute the  UTM coordinates or
       geodetic positions interactively or by batch.
      a. By entering each geodetic position or each UTM coordinate.
      b. By using a Blue Book file with geodetic positions, *80*
         records, following the format given in Appendix A or a
         Blue Book file with the state plane coordinates, *81*
         records, following the format given in Appendix B.
    1. A screen listing.
    2. A file with name, latitude, longitude, northing, easting,
       zone, convergence, scale factor, elevation, and geoid
       height for geodetic positions to UTM coordinates
       or a file with name, northing, easting, latitude,
       longitude and zone number for UTM coordinates to
       geodetic positions.  Note: the geoid height value comes
       from an *84* record following the format in Appendix C.
       This record is optional.
    3. An output file in blue book format. 
    1. Load the program (UTMS.EXE) from the floppy disk to the
       main storage, or the program can be executed from a floppy disk

    2. To execute the program:
       a. Type UTMS or (disk drive name):UTMS
          (floppy disk).
       b. The program will prompt for:
          Whether you want to compute:
          I. Geodetic positions to universal transverse mercator coordinates
         II. Universal transverse mercator coordinates to geodetic positions.
        III. Print the output file on the printer.
          Which ellipsoid do you want: (some sample datums listed)
          1. CLARKE 1866    
               a. NAD27 datum
               b. OLD HAWAIIAN datum
               c. PUERO RICAN datum
               d. GUAM datum
          2. GRS80/WGS84              
               a. NAD83 datum
          3. INTERNATIONAL 1910               
               a.INTR24 datum
          4. WGS72
          5. OTHER ELLIPSOID

          A. (For requesting I)
                Whether you want to run interactively (Y/N) ?
               a. (If answering Yes)
                 i. Whether you want the output saved in a file ?
                    (If answering Yes)
                     File Name:

                ii. Whether you want an *81* record file ?
                    (If answering Yes)
                     File Name:
               iii. Station name.
                iv. Latitude.

                 v. Direction of latitude
                vi. Longitude.
               vii. Direction of longitude

               b. (If answering No)
                 i. Name of input file in Blue book format.
                    (See Appendix A)
                ii. Whether you want the output saved in a file ?
                    (If answering Yes)
                     File Name:
                    NOTE: To list the output file in the correct format
                    one can use the program LSTFTN.
                    Type of coordinate listing ?
                    Project number ?
               iii. Whether you want an *81* record file ? 
                    (If answering Yes)
                     File Name:

          B. (For requesting II)
                Whether you want to run interactively (Y/N) ?
               a. (If answering Yes)
                 i. Whether you want the output saved in a file ?
                    (If answering Yes)
                     File Name:

                ii. Whether you want an *81* record file ?
                    (If answering Yes)
                     File Name:

               iii. Station name.
                iv. Northing.
                 v. Easting.
                vi. Zone number.

               b. (If answering No)
                 i. Name of the input (*81* record) file.
                    (See appendix B)
                ii. Name of the output (*80* record) file.
               iii. Whether you want the output saved in a file ?
                    (If answering Yes)

                     File Name:

                    NOTE: To list the output file in the correct format
                    one can use option III.
          C. (For requesting III)
                 i. Name for file to be printed.
NOTE: When computing UMT coordinates from a geodetic
position and then computing a geodetic position using the
computed UTM coordinates the computed geodetic postion
may not agree with the starting geodetic position.  UTM
coordinates are given to only millimeter accuarcy.  Whereas the
fifth place in the seconds of the latitude and longitude
corresponds to an accuarcy of approximately one tenth of a
                                    @ 0 degrees         @ 80 degrees
LATITUDE  ( 1.0 X 10   sec)  --->     0.3 mm               0.3 mm
LONGITUDE ( 1.0 X 10   sec)  --->     0.3 mm               0.0 mm
                                          -5                 -5
NORTHING  ( 0.001 meter)  --->    3.0 X 10    sec    3.0 X 10    sec
                                          -5                 -5
EASTING   ( 0.001 meter)  --->    3.0 X 10    sec   19.0 x 10    sec

                   APPENDIX A
          Control Point Record (IE: *80* record) **
    CC01-06   Sequence Number                                (OPTIONAL)
    CC07-10   Data Code (IE: *80*)
    CC11-13   Station Serial Number                          (OPTIONAL)
    CC14      Blank
    CC15-44   Station Name
    CC45-55   Geodetic Latitude: Deg-Min-Sec, to 5 decimal places,
              decimal point implied between CC50-51 (DDMMSSsssss)
    CC56      Direction of Latitude:  N or S
    CC57-68   Geodetic Longitude: Deg-Min-Sec, to 5 decimal places,
              decimal point implied between CC63-64 (DDDMMSSsssss)
    CC69      Direction of Longitude:  E or W
    CC70-75   Elevation of mark above MSL, in meters, decimal
              point implied between CC73-74 (EEEEee)         (OPTIONAL)
    CC76      Elevation code                                 (OPTIONAL)
    CC77-78   State or Country Code                          (OPTIONAL)
    CC79-80   Station Order and Type                         (OPTIONAL)
    ** Format specified in the FGCC publication, Input Formats and
       Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey Data Base.

                   APPENDIX B
          Control Point Record (*81* record) **
          (NOTE: Use this format for UTMs on the CLARKE 1866, INTERNATIONAL
                 WGS72, and OTHER ELLIPSOID)
    CC01-06   Sequence Number                                (OPTIONAL)
    CC07-10   Data Code (IE: *81*)
    CC11-13   Station Serial Number                          (OPTIONAL)
    CC14      Blank
    CC15-44   Station Name
    CC45-54   EASTING, in meters, to three decimal places,
              decimal point implied between CC51-52 (XXXXXXXxxx)
    CC55-65   NORTHING, in meters, to three decimal places,
              decimal point implied between CC62-63  (YYYYYYYYyyy)
    CC66-69   UTM - Zone number (0001 - 0060)
    CC70-75   Elevation of mark above MSL, in meters, decimal
              point implied between CC73-74 (EEEEee)         (OPTIONAL)
    CC76      Elevation code                                 (OPTIONAL)
    CC77-78   State or Country Code                          (OPTIONAL)
    CC79-80   Station Order and Type                         (OPTIONAL)

          Control Point Record (*81* record) **
          (NOTE: Use this format for UTMs on the GRS80/WGS84 ELLIPSOID
    CC01-06   Sequence Number                                (OPTIONAL)
    CC07-10   Data Code (IE: *81*)
    CC11-13   Station Serial Number                          (OPTIONAL)
    CC14      Blank
    CC15-44   Station Name
    CC45-55   NORTHING, in meters, to three decimal places,
              decimal point implied between CC52-53 (XXXXXXXXxxx)
    CC56-65   EASTING, in meters, to three decimal places,
              decimal point implied between CC62-63 (YYYYYYYyyy)
    CC66-69   UTM - Zone number (0001 - 0060)
    CC70-75   Elevation of mark above MSL, in meters, decimal
              point implied between CC73-74 (EEEEee)         (OPTIONAL)
    CC76      Elevation code                                 (OPTIONAL)
    CC77-78   State or Country Code                          (OPTIONAL)
    CC79-80   Station Order and Type                         (OPTIONAL)
    ** Format specified in the FGCC publication, Input Formats and
       Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey Data Base.

                   APPENDIX C
          Geoid Height Record (*84* record) **
    CC01-06   Sequence Number                                (OPTIONAL)
    CC07-10   Data Code (IE: *84*)
    CC11-13   Station Serial Number (must be the as same as *80* record)
    CC15-20   Source                                         (OPTIONAL)
    CC21-71   Comments                                       (OPTIONAL)
    CC72-76   Geoid Height, in meters, above (positive) or below
              (negitive) the reference ellipsiod, decimal point implied
              between CC75-76 (GGGGg)
    CC77-80   Sigma                                          (OPTIONAL)
    ** Format specified in the FGCC publication, Input Formats and
       Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey Data Base.